And so it continues...
Anonymous said...
thoth, I'd be more inclined to believe you oppose racism if you did not espouse it yourself.
All y'all need to chill and quit hating. What do you think causes these autrocities.
12/08/2005 12:17 AM
Would you be so inclined as to point out where I did that? Or is pointing out that the same sentiment expressed by the Nazis, is being expressed here as well, a racist statement? If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, chances are that it is a duck.
El-Mujaheed said...
Thoth, just like we(the Arabs) kicked you out of Lebanon the after the first invasion, we (brothers in Hezbollah) will kick you out again and push your racist asses out of Filastine for good. Israel shall be off the map, by the Will of God. Israel had gathered unto the land of Palestine - before receiving a heavy punishment by God via his Gentile Servants. El-yahood-El-kalb!!!
12/08/2005 1:30 AM
Hezbollah. Nice. It's funny that you mention racist asses. Purchase a mirror lately?
Anonymous said...
Hey thoth, its quite clear who's the real racist in this game of the Zionists....
Its you Zionists yourselves, starting from Paul Wolfowitz all the way down to Joe Lieberman....
Apparently you people have adopted an "Israel first" policy, and the United States isn't interested in that anymore....especially when it concerns treason.
You talk about the Talmud book as law,
talk about getting rid of Christmas,
Ummm...No. Christmas, Ramadan, and Hannukah should all be freely celebrated.
and you talk about the palestinians are all horrible people all the time....
And where did I state that slappy? I think the Palestinians should have their own state as well. I don't call for them being "wiped off the map"
and you expect everyone to "bow down" like in Kingdom of Heaven.
Honor the "jews". Honor Reynald, the supreme Talmud Jew of Jerusalem. Sorry it doesn't work that way. There's a clear evil here, that's right. And its not in god's christian soldiers nor is it in the arabs....
Oooooh ooooh. Divide and conquer, right?
The moslems and their people would not kill Israelis, nor would they engage in suicides if they did not have to protect their own land. Their own religion. Their own freedom, and keep their own land pure from Talmud rule.
So show me where the Jews are trying to take over the middle east? Show me where the Jews are trying to get rid of the religion of Islam. Their own land pure? Oh yes, it's that purity thing again. So other than Israel, where is "Talmud" going on? Sudan? Iran? Morocco? Where? Or are you stating they must be killed and wiped off the map to avoid that possibility from happening?
There would be peace in the Middle-East if the Talmud was done away with, and the Zionists were stopped once and for all. Arabs are on a mission from god, as we all are- to get rid of intolerance once and for all.
Get rid of the Jews in Israel, and that will stop intolerance? Get rid of the Talmud, and that will stop intolerance? Have you ever taken any logic or reasoning courses?
Especially when it comes from the Magog & Gog tribe....have you learned nothing in 10,000 years?
Oh, I see. I guess that's supposed to mean that they are like the lizard men, right? The demon seed? Explain away Heinrich.
Maybe we should ask Salhadin, the star in the film Kingdom of Heaven.....Who had to purify Jerusalem after it fell to the scourge of the Talmud pharisee.
You talk of one world order? Try a one world peace agreement. Its far more favorable.....and I assure you it has far less grave consequences from god....the age of the illuminati is through.
Common Dreams: America is talking out loud about Israel
12/08/2005 2:19 AM
I talk of a one world order? No. It's called live and let live, and you can't see leaving Israel and the Jews alone. The one who really tried to go with a New World Order, Hitler, had the same views on the Jews that you do. Read what Nazi Germany was advocating in their propaganda to exterminate the Jews, and you will see it is the same crap that is being preached by this blog.
Anonymous said...
Israelis just murdered another 30 Innocent Iraqis on a Bus. No doubt they blamed it on "suicide" bombers.
Yeah. Israelis also sank your Cheerio this morning. Do you have any proof of your ASSertion? No. By the way, that piece of furniture you stubbed your toe on a while back, a Jew moved it there knowing you would walk into it. Do you also believe in gremlins and leprachauns? A little question for you: Do you also believe the suicide bombers are just a myth? Did another Jew go and blow himself up just to try to make Arabs look bad?
Fuck those BASTARDS, and you too Thoth for supporting such evil bastards!
The people who killed the Iraqis? I agree. Of course, you automatically blame the Jews for it, I don't agree on that. Do you always jump the gun to blame Jews for every bad news story you hear? Oh, it might have been a Jew that laid that turd on your lawn last summer, and blamed on a dog. But I can see you already probably had assumed that.
Ah, all will end well when the Zionists all get hanged (Jews who oppose their demonic ways, of course will be spared). Just hope most Jews will be KIND enough to not support these heinous acts.
Yeah! Death to the Jews, except the ones who go to their proper place in your racist vision. I bet you would just like to be the hangman, wouldn't you?
Zionists are everywhere. They control the DRUG, SEX, and WARFARE trade.
This is getting old. And the ideas you are espousing are old. So I guess they started the sex trade in Asia, right?
It is well known to us more educated folks that during the 1930s and 1940s the Jewish Mafia controlled nearly 90% of Organized Crime. Yet, we just hear about the Italian Mafia.
Yes, we know that you are feeding on "certain" propaganda, and you think yourself educated on learning this wisdom you found that is hidden from the masses. The only thing is, there was another before you who said the exact same things. Only he was much more convincing than you in turning on others to this new found ideal of removing oppresion from people by providing a scapegoat.
Surprised?!! You shouldn't be, since they controlled then, as they do now 92% of all Radio, Television, Print (newspaper, magazines, etc) and Movies. So this fact is conveniently "filtered" out.
An old Jewish joke. Sorry if there aren't any Jews killed in it to get you laughing:
A Jewish man is riding on a train reading a Nazi newspaper. A friend of his, who happened to be riding on the same train to a special camp for their people, noticed this strange phenomenon. Very upset, he approached the newspaper reader.
"Moshe, have you lost your mind? Why are you reading a Nazi newspaper? "Moshe replied, "I used to read the Jewish newspaper, but what did I find? Jews being persecuted, Jews being rounded up, Jews disappearing through assimilation and intermarriage, Jews living in poverty. So I switched to the Nazi newspaper. Now what do I find? Jews own all the banks, Jews control the media, Jews are all rich and powerful, Jews rule the world. The news is so much better!"
But that all has changed. The INTERNET has returned power to the people. The Internet is more important and EDUCATIONAL than all of the above mentioned media outlets combined.
If it's on the internet, it must be true.
And the Zionists want to control it, but since they are a bunch of IDIOTS, always LEECHING like a pack of Human Parasites on the rest of society (see history) they are UNABLE to grasp hold of it.
History according to looney sites you like to go to? Have you bothered to pick up an encyclopedia in the last, oh say, five years? Did you know aliens from the dog star Sirius created people, and the Hebrews were an alien race that settled on Earth around the time of Atlantis? Oh yeah, the internet has made this arcane knowledge "available" to those who seek enlightenment from the disgusting old way of thinking called common sense.
And this they fear, and fear deeply.
Too bad Zionists, the great game is coming to a close. Stupid "elders of Zion" your protocols isn't working out as you planned. Something about the "law of unintended consequences"???
HAHAHAHA Losers! Suckers! Zionists!
12/08/2005 3:46 AM
You forgot to laugh at the ancient Marsians known as the "greys" as well.
Anonymous said...
Israeli Racits!!!
12/08/2005 3:48 AM
Anonymous said...
Zionists love to murder! Jews love to kill! These are STATISTICAL TRUTHS.... Not stereotypes (which is falsehoods).... Look at history, Look at the present.
I see your another "non-racist" here. Tell me your reason why you came(probably both figuratively, and literally) to the conclusion that "Jews love to kill". Surely you're not a racist. I'm sure you could also explain why it is not racist for the klan to hate blacks. So let's see what you have to say.
The four peace activists who WERE DOCUMENTING ISRAELI CRIMES AND TORTURE AND MURDER OF PALESTINIANS AND IRAQIS, where "conveniently" captured by "terrorists"....
O Rly? And where did you get this tadbit of information that these people were your fellow Nazi sympathizers? No bigfoot or U.F.O.'s are run by Jews sites please. Let's get a solid news source, or piece of evidence.
My, My, My... Just look how the Jews turn this around to their "benefit". Not only do they shut up these peace activists exposing their HEINOUS crimes against HUMANITY, but they get to blame it on those "savaged" Iraqis in particular, and Arabs in general..."Cunning" you say?! I say it's rather dispicable!
And if they are released, would you like wager on who they say kidnapped them? Did you know a Jew was responsible for you egtting a bad grade on that science project you took in "high" school?
Your days are numbered Talmudists/Zionists. There are no "God's Chosen ones"! There is no "God"... Your fairy tales and fantasies are not going to change a thing. You'll burn, burn in hell, the hell you created!
Good day!
12/08/2005 7:20 AM
We'll pass that message to the kidnapped Christians you're "worried" about.
Anonymous said...
Awesome job cyte! BTW that Thoth person is oviously a hate filled Zionist spewing insults like that. They will all burn in hell!
12/08/2005 11:47 AM
Yes, those Jews will burn in hell. Didn't you read the last anonymous post? Hell is just another Jewish creation and lie. Don't tell me you might believe in a Jewish "myth"? How would God treat you for believing in "Jewish Creations"?
y said...
At least three of those in the picture are jews.
What gives?
12/08/2005 1:54 PM
Don't ask the people here that. It's obviously some Jewish kind of plot to distract against the plot that's ultimately leading to the true plot, but is misguided under mossad disinformation into the "so called plot", which is really the true plot that the Jews are behind all the garden gnome kidnappings.
Ahmed said...
Please, I will urge all to resist using abusive language. We don't need to lower ourselves to the level of the Zionists. We will march towards the truth with patient and values that true Muslims and Christians have.
No Hebrew need be spoken here. You haven't lowered yourselves to the level of "Zionists", I will call you what you are. Nazis.
Speaking about the media, isn’t strange that nearly every ethnicity is portrayed in the media negatively except the Jews?
Arabs = Barbaric/Terrorist
Italian = Mafia
Chinese = money lover/gambler
Who wants to add to the list.
12/08/2005 4:49 PM
Oh yeah, let's skip over how you and your ilk portray the Jews as hate mongerers that are bleeding the world, and leading to the destruction of mankind. That's not a racist statement filled with hate, is it?
Anonymous said...
"Arabs = Barbaric/Terrorist
Italian = Mafia
Chinese = money lover/gambler
Who wants to add to the list."
White = evil racist hater
I'm one of those Whites who believes in racial separation. Of course, the jews say that is genocide.
But it is THEM instigating genocide against many, many other races and ethnic groups. Including White Americans.
I don't believe in "killing Muslims for freedom", even as the jews promote such ideals to America.
Good men of all races are going to stop them. We have the truth on our side. Maybe then we will have a chance at peace.
12/08/2005 6:48 PM
Ah, this is getting more interesting. So how about informing us more about this knowledge you have attained that is "new" wisdom to the enlightened? By the way, do you have any jack boots that your grandfather may have left behind for you?
Anonymous said...
Seems the Zionists are all baiting now....
Maybe these fools would understand what is the point of it all, if they knew or accepted Christ...
What does the Talmud say about Christ? That the pharisee jews were above him, and Christ was a blasphemer.
All the true christian jews must choose...."Know them by thy deeds" it says..the Zionists obviously do not want to live in harmony. They must leave and I firmly say that after they are gone, this world will be a different place to live in...
12/08/2005 10:32 PM
Kill all those Christ killer Jews, and the world would be much happier? Do you pay any attention to international news? What are your thoughts on Sudan? Indonesia? Kashmir? Are the Jews responsible for all those conflicts as well? I bet in your racist heart, they are. In some weird kind of "world plot" way. I can see where you stand on that last paragraph of yours. Would you like to build a wood oven, or do you prefer the Holly Hobby style with cookie sheet included? You could burn away those nasty Jews just like your heroes did over 60 years ago.
Anonymous said...
Thoth is a fucking dirty kike named Dr. Andrew Mathis.
12/08/2005 11:58 PM
You sum this place up well.
Anonymous said...
Political Correctness=intolerance and stupidity.
12/09/2005 1:04 AM
A lot of times, it does. Common sense is dropped, to somehow make everything appealing to all. You can't please everyone, and never will. Someone will always disagree with you no matter what you decide.
El-Mujaheed said...
Toth is a moron, obviously he has not read Cyte's removal of comments calling for the elimination of Jews as a "people",
I see comments on this thread that speak to that effect, they are still there. Kudos to Cytes, let what people are posting stay. It doesn't excuse him from running a hate site. Read some of the posts again. "Intolerance won't be a problem anymore once we get rid of the Jews in the Middle East, and they go back to their proper place as we see fit", or something to that effect seems to be the mood here. Look at what you Nazis post here, and tell me that I'm wrong.
and decides to brand all on this forum as Nazis.
Duck...Duck...Duck...Goose-stepper! Read the post up above. You qoute Nazi stuff, state Nazi stuff, pass along Nazi stuff, you just might be a Nazi.
The communist revolution was part of a Khazar Jewish conspiracy - to this there is no doubt - regardless of what Hitler said or not. Similarly, Hiter was half Jewish himself, and there were many Jews and crypto-Jews that were part of the Nazi party. Hitler was always under the control of the Jews, and non-Zionist Jews have admitted the collaboration between Nazis and Zionists during WW2 - especially regarding the status of Jewish Refugees. Most of the powerful Jews in Israel today are from Khazaria. Same with the ones in Eastern Europe and America. And they run the Colombian cartels, now defunct Italian mafia, and the "arab" terrorists. The Khazar Jews are the tribe of Gog and Magog that the Quran/Bible warns
the world about. You kikes can't have your cake and eat it too!
12/09/2005 8:41 AM
Sigh...Kikes again? Where do you get this Jews are "Gog and Magog" stuff? I would really like to see the source of your hate rantings. I know the Nazi's used to say the same kind of things. Where are you getting this stuff from? I would really like to know.
El-Mujaheed said...
Thoth, if the "holocaust" did actually happen, why is there a Hate Bill against it?
Huh? So if there's a bill against slavery in the U.S.A., that must mean it never happened, right? I'm just trying to follow your logic here.
Especially by the Knesset? Why does the hate bill have to be global? I know less than 900, 000 Jews actually died at the hands of Hitler - nevertheless many of them were criminals, Communists, or traitors - they should have been killed off anyways.
Oh neato. Okay, so the six million thing is a lie you say, there were just 900,000 murdered, and they all had it coming to them. Jews, let this man's words be remembered, if you are a Jew, and are either a criminal, Communist, or "traitor" to the Nazi party, you should be killed anyways. Thank you El-Callousakneed, you just proved my point better than anything I could have written. Happy masterbating to the dreams you have of Jewish bloodshed. Does anything get you harder than a Jew blown to pieces by your supposed "Other Jews" doing suicide bombings? You are a sick little racist twit, and may you be fingerbanged in the ass by Satan as you spend your eternity in the Jewish created Hell.
Others died from diseases (like Typhus) which affected other prisoners as well. Your holocaust is a dirty Jewish myth. You Jews are nothing more than a bunch of snakes. Even the "good" Jew Henry Makow, who claims his grandma got "murdered" by the Nazis can't state how she died, or how he knew it. Send him an email at Ask him how he knows that his grandma died at the hands of the Nazis, and she did not die of simple old age. Trust me, he won't have a straight forward answer for that one.
12/09/2005 8:56 AM
Yeah, people butchered and put into mass graves usually don't tell many tales. Have you asked any dead Kurds or Shiites buried in the mass graves, if Saddam had a hand in it? I guess they didn't say yes, so that must mean the Jews did that as well.
Anonymous said...
Clearly Thoth is a Zionist, as you can only leave it to them to defend their positions with the most absurd crap and spam everyone with their answers.
He ignores what everyone says and then calls everyone saying it a conspiracy theorist- I say put up or shut up...
No. Time for you to put up or shut up. Do you have solid evidence of anything? No you don't. There is a reason why it's called a conspiracy "THEORY". Show your evidence, and I mean solid evidence, not the "this could be so if you look at it this way becuase maybe this is what's going on" type of stuff. Put up or STFU.
For thoth and any other Zionist, prove your "Talmud" and all of its laws that have been written are nothing but a conspiracy. Prove it, and prove to everyone that you aren't controlling the banks.
You need a little schooling too. Try getting past your senior year in high school Heinrich. Are you aware of the fact that when someone accuses another of any type of crime, the burden of proof is on the accuser, and not the defendent? If you want to play that game, prove to me that you do not beat yourself off at night thinking of animal porn. Prove it! Take a logic and reasoning class sometime, and quit embarassing yourself in public.
If you can't prove it, you have nothing. And are simply wasting time here. There's thousands who have already proven the conspiracy is real....and has ensnared innocent semites the world over...its in our books, its in our revelations, and its in the nostradamus end-game...
"Can you prove you don't fantasise about animal porn? No you can't! Hahaha! You dirty masterbator to donkeys!" Do you see how that works? Try getting past your junior high and high school education levels of reasoning, and then you can come back and talk to me about the same subject someday.
12/09/2005 11:54 AM
Anonymous said...
By the way, all the bullshit about Hammas being trained to kill Jews is just another rabbit hole....
The Hammas are for the most part deceived by Jordanian Zionists, into hating Jews, so that the Zionists can grab more and more power.
It is all one scam. Its inside the Talmud holy book, and it talks about how all Goyim are meant to serve the Khazar-Jews. It's been around for over ten-thousand years and apparently only arabs have been paying close attention...
Anything less that does not serve the Zionist is discarded. Its playing out in the ridiculous "New World Order" scam....the illuminati world order is by frightened Zionist Jews who have the same persecution complex as Paul Wolfowitz.
And they to this day will not admit Iraq, Iran, Cambodia and all were a mistake...because they are the "holy ones". They never admit their mistakes, and they blame all the christians especially jews for any of their mistakes. This is why in Kingdom of Heaven the movie, they were cursed....and it is why we have the wars we do. Everywhere....hate is bred by intolerance of them who have lost their way...
12/09/2005 2:34 PM
Some Nazi rantings, and then you post this:
hate is bred by intolerance
You might want to take a look at what your freinds are saying here. Or is it okay if it's only Jews you can't stand?
El-mujaheed said...
thoth, isn't that the name of an Egyptian God? the God of the people that oppressed you scandelous/traitorous bastards till Moses(Musa) came to relieve his traitorous people out of God's chastisement/oppression. Trust me on this, the Jews got lucky against the Arabs because of laziness and traitors amongst the Muslims. The time of reckoning will come when you bastards will be exiled from Israel.
12/09/2005 2:52 PM
Yes, Thoth is an Egyptian name, and it comes from a wonderful people and culture. But you really shouldn't call the Muslims lazy and traitorous. Quit being a stereotyping Nazi. It's bad enough you hate the Jews, now you are trying to typecast Arabs too? Go crawl back under your rock.
Anonymous said...
Israel is who threatens to nuke Iran now, not the other way around
Israel VS Iran: Israel wants Islam wiped out now
You foolish Zionists can't win over your enemies or force your perverted views on everyone else.....that is why Jerusalem fell. And its only going to happen on a much wider scale now....because you hide behind "anti-semitism" to not admit your brooding hatred.
12/09/2005 4:22 PM
Did you actually read the article that you posted? It did not support anything you said. Remember, reading is fundamental.
Anonymous said...
Rachel Corrie, an American college student, payed with her young life under the blade of an Israel Army Bulldozer for whatever ideals or delusions she may have had.
You, THOTH, in assailing her memory from an armchair, show that you are simply an evil person, a cyber-ghoul gorging on the maggots of the dead, which you feel compelled to defile.
You are worse than a Zionist Jew, for you, assuming that you are a goyim, can walk away from the question after spewing your canned, WWII era, German-occupation-era hatred of "Nazis" and your
jaded neo-con-shock-jock hatred of Rachel Corrie.
But, when a Jewish child, innocent of bloodthirst or criminality, is snuffed due in part to the hatred that you revel in, remember, that child's blood will be partly on your hands. For you, one of the mob, call for "crucifixion" just to feel the thrill of watching another's blood spilled.
Go on. I see where you are going. The Nazi's were big on the whole "Christ Killer" thing as well. So when you turn a blind eye to the murder of Jewish citizens, and support those that call for eradication of Jews in the Middle East, all is well and good with you? You want THOSE people in their proper place. Read what the Nazi's said during the 1930's, and see what ideas you are supporting now. The ideas here aren't anything new, they are not anything "enlightened" and "educated", they are the same ideas that the Nazis put out decades ago. You and your ilk here are re-hashing the old "scapegoat" story. Your unhappy with your lot in life, it must not be anything you did, and you make the scapegoat story to try to change the situation. "It's the Jews, It's the Neo-cons, It's the Liberals, It's the Gays, It's the Christian Fundamentalists, It's the Muslims, It's Lesbian Cowgirls, It's the Yankees, It's the Cowboys, It's the Mexicans, It's the Catholics, It's the French, It's the Libertarians, It's the Kuwaitis, It's the Royal Family, It's the Circus Clowns, It's the Saudis, It's the Russians, It's the Blacks, It's the Illuminati, It's the refs in that last football match you wagered on, It's the IRS, It's the Mafia, It's the Irish, It's the Chinese, It's the media, It's the press, It's the local police, It's the Celtics, It's the North Koreans, It's the U.F.O.'s, It's the Bilderbergers, It's Dan Rather, It's PETA, It's SUV's. It's Hybrid Vehicles, It's the Global Warming Crowd, It's the Industrial Polluters, It's the Gnomes of Zurich, It's the Lizard People, It's the Kennedys, It's the Rothschilds, It's Diebold, It's N.O.R.M.L., It's the ACLU, It's the greenery attendants of the grassy knoll, It's the Columbians, It's Cartmans Mom, It's the RNC, It's the DNC, It's the Pro-Gun Crowd, It's the Anti-Gun crowd, It's the less filling people, It's the 49ers, It's the Raiders, It's the record companies, It's the Masons, It's the Jehova Witnesses, It's the librarian. It's that book that shouldn't be in the library, It's the Sudanese, It's the Big tobacco companies, it's the environmentalists, It's the Video Game Industry, It's the paper industry, It's the Oil Companies, It's Microsoft, It's the A.I.D.S. vaccination developers, It's the Feminists, It's the grape growers, It's The Fed, It's The Screen actors Guild, It's all and everyone who exists, becuase no matter what, someone is going to make a scapegoat out of you. All of you decided that the Jews were to blame for your problems, once you fulfill your wet dream of eliminating them, I am going to see who you target next. You will never be done. As long as you're unhappy with yourselves and looking for scapegoats, you're going to find them.
You feed the cycle of retaliation from the sidelines. May God turn His mighty eye upon you!
Goyim who pose as pro-Zionists simply don't have a dog in the fight. It is great to egg on fanatics, but when Jews are exterminated en mass it will likely be done by cowardly demagogues of hatred, such as yourself, whose only goal in life is to be on the side that appears to be winning.
I'm not calling on anyone to be killed. You still haven't noticed it's you and your ilk here calling for the death of people based solely on race. Of course, you try to make it more justified than that, you claim that by getting rid of set of people A, you will make the big set of people B happy in many ways, and they will no longer be oppresed. Yes little guy, you are a Nazi.
Most of the So-called Evangelists only support Israel to speed up prophecy and to SEE TO IT THAT THE JEWS PERISH IN LINE WITH SCRIPTURE, not because each Jews is first and foremost a human being.
No. Most people don't want to see any bloodshed in that region. We want to see the children of Abraham thrive and flourish. Jews and Arabs both. You and your ilk are pushing for the destruction of both peoples. I see your game, and I will call it on you everytime.
You perform propagandistic fellatio upon the Israeli Military today, sure, but are you willing to die for the cause of Jewish Power in the world?
If so, enlist and go to Iraq where you can serve World Jewry with its aims of a Greater Israel.
*Sigh* Nazi talk again. And will you enlist to be a suicide bomber? Why do you keep pushing for the deaths of Israeli and Palestinian people? Does blood make you cum?
If not, fear not, if your precious Zionists have their way, Iraq will come to you.
Rachel Corrie stood for something, you don't.
Nothing will change that.
12/09/2005 6:13 PM
Yes, and Hitler stood for something. Pol Pot stood for something. Chairman Mao stood for something. Stalin stood for something. Mengele stood for something. The founders of the KKK stood for something. The Wahhabis that entered Iraq in the 19th century stood for something, The people who ran the Inquisition stood for something(You could relate to this. It's not far off that you may think a Jew poisoned your well.) Charles Manson stood for something, George Wallace stood for something. Jefferson Davis stood for something. And I see you stand for something as well. The destruction of a people if they do not conform to the ideals you have seen fit for them. Yes, you stand for something. You stand for advancing the old Nazi agenda. I also stand for something, and that is to see that your fascist racist dreams don't come true.
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