The war on Christmas continues. This time it's Australia:
RELIGIOUS groups have launched an attack on Christmas - calling for it to be renamed and toned down. A leading Islamic body says the use of the term "Christmas" is politically incorrect because it excludes too many people in multicultural Australia. The Forum on Australia's Islamic Relations wants a community debate to find an alternative - suggesting the word "festive" as a possible replacement.
Sweet. I suggest we re-name Ramadan "blow the moon god day", and Saint Patricks as "give me a beer biatch festivity day".
And a Queensland Jewish leader has called for an end to the "automatic imposition" of Christmas on the community, saying the season has been reduced to a "shopping festival".
Automatic imposition? Tell me rabbi, who's forcing you to do Christmas?
The attacks have outraged Christian churches, family groups and civic leaders. Even other Muslim groups have slammed the call. Islamic Council of Queensland president Abdul Jalal said Muslims have "no right" to question what Christians called their religious festival.
They're smart enough to see the dangers apparent in this kind of move.
Premier Peter Beattie said Christmas was an important celebration that should "stay put". He said: "Christians should be able to celebrate the festivities as Christmas." Brisbane Anglican Archbishop Phillip Aspinall said Christmas should continue to be celebrated as a "very important" date on the Christian calendar. Queensland Churches Together - representing 11 denominations including Catholic, Anglican and Uniting churches - described the name-change proposal as "absurd".
Tell you what. You get to re-name Christmas, and we get to pick an appropriate name for your so called last prophet there.
And Family Council of Queensland president Alan Baker described the plans as "impertinent and intolerant".
It's just Christians. No biggie. It's not like they're attacking the Holy Church of the Great Owl God Hootie.
He said: "No one is suggesting that other religions change the name of their celebrations, such as Ramadan for Muslims or Hanukkah for Jews." Queensland local councils scoffed at suggestions they shun Christmas. Townsville Mayor Tony Mooney said: "Christmas is not politically incorrect and there is only a small group in the population that believe it is - and they're nuts."
...and intolerant pigs...
Caboolture Shire Council Mayor Joy Leishman said the call to rename Christmas was ridiculous. But the Islamic-relations forum director, Kuranda Seyit, told The Sunday Mail it was time for Australia to fall in line with places such as the UK, where councils have renamed Christmas "Winterval" and replaced references to Christmas on signage with the words "Festive" and "Winter".
Again I will ask...are you willing to let us re-name Ramadan to whatever we see fit? I have some colorful ideas for its new name.
"Australia is now so diverse and there are so many cultures and festivities, we need to acknowledge the need to be inclusive of our identity." He expected his plan would insult some people, but urged a "step-by-step" approach. "A word like Festive is a good word but the community should make an effort to come up with an alternative to Christmas. Schools will take a leading role in terms of political correctness. The younger generation will grow up and say 'it's not fair'."
Political Correctness=intolerance and stupidity.
Queensland's Jewish Board of Deputies president David Paratz said the extent of Christmas celebrations and partying had got out of hand - as had the commercialism surrounding the festival. Christmas was considered just a "shopping festival" by many people, he said. "It can't be assumed everyone is a Christian. People should not be faced with the automatic imposition of Christmas."
I have some colorful ideas for what to re-name Hanukkah as well if you get your intolerant ideas to pass as law. No one is forcing you to participate in anything. Go spin your dreidle and STFU. Why don't you just make all holidays against the law, as each and everyone of them is bound to get somebodys panties piched in someones twat. They declare themselves wanting to be all inclusive by shutting down what others hold sacred. Stupidity and intolerance go hand in hand.
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