I bet his neighbors will breath a sigh of relief, but it was pretty cool while it lasted. See the post "Attention Whoring For Christmas" to see a segment of this three part display:
DEERFIELD TWP. - Sheriff's deputies asked the owner who lit up his house with 25,000 Christmas lights synched to music to turn off the display after a traffic accident Tuesday night. Deerfield Twp. resident Carson Williams agreed to shut down his holiday decorations indefinitely.
Carson gives in to the man, man. Show a little balls for your right to be loud Carson.
Williams told a Cincinnati television station that sheriff's deputies could not reach the traffic accident because of the traffic lined up in his neighborhood. The display caught attention across the nation on network TV and on the Internet because the lights on the Williams house and filling their yard are synchronized by computer with music broadcast to car radios. There are three songs in the 12-minute display: Frosty the Snowman by the Jackson 5; God Bless the USA by Lee Greenwood and Wizards of Winter by the Trans-Siberian Orchestra.
Trans-Siberian Orchestra kicks ass. The old speed metal band Savatage from the eighties that really found their niche doing this Christmas stuff.
Williams turned his display on the week of Thanksgiving and motorists have lined up between 6 and 10 p.m. ever since. For the time being, the only place to view the Williams' display will be online.
I have to do a search to find the rest of the show.
"He told us if we start having traffic problems that he would shut the display down for a while," Warren County sheriff's Lt. Ed Petrey said Wednesday morning.
Two cars collided in a minor accident at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday on Simpson Creek Drive, which leads to Winding Creek Court, where the Williams live near Mason in southern Warren County. No one was injured. Williams is an electrical engineer who said his family spent about $10,000 on the display. He had promised his neighbors they would shut it down if there were problems. "If I get a single complaint I'll shut it down," Carson had said Monday night. He could not be reached for comment Wednesday.
Turn out the lights, the parties over. It was fun while it lasted.
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