And let the comments continue:
Anonymous said...
Thoth is either a Zionist or a hatefilled sheep enslaved by Zionist PR.
He is transfering all his sins upon Rachel. Rachel is innocent, intelligent people do percieve that.
I'm doing what? So now not only is she a martyr, she's some kind of equivalent to Jesus or something? Yes poor innocent little peace loving Rachel. She was just trying to keep the tunnels used for smuggling explosives running so they could murder the nasty, evil Jews.
The game is up for the Zionists. The truth canot be contained. Lies are always so full of holes exposure is inevitable. Every attempt to cover up only entangles the liars even further. By deception thou shalt... is not the injunction of an ethical group. Zionists excel only in the traits one would find at the church of satan "mission statements or edicts". Only fools serve evil. Because evil relies completely on weakness in its followers. Evil will always lose. Ye reap what ye sow.
I see. Jews are "the devil". Is that what you're implying? Like I said, your not saying anything new. You're reliving 1930's Germany all over again.
Zionists are exposed, and the more you try to cover up the truth, ironically the more you expose & betray yourselves. Prophecy will come to fruition. And Zionist designs will be stripped naked for the whole of humanity to see.
So you'd like to see Israel gone. Do you think they are going to go down without a fight? Why do you want to see the middle east destroyed? I'd like to see peace in the region, with Israel and her neighbors. That is not what you advocate. You advocate destruction of that nation regardless of the consequences that would ensue. Where do you get your prophecies from? Hitler had a vision too.
The Gig is up. Pandora is out of the box. It is futile you try to contain her. Trying to contain anything with deception which so riddled with holes is a fools mission. Would you try to also trap water in a sieve? Reading Thoth's profound ignorance, it would not surprise me.
12/06/2005 2:11 PM
Speaking of holes, where do you get your information from? Other than the looney pages on the internet?
Anonymous said...
And down with Diebold once and for all it is the Zionists trojan horse
Diebold insider spills it all
This is definitely not off-topic...or this..
Diebold unmasked
I say its time to permanently get rid of this corruption....and Jack Abramoff.
12/06/2005 4:47 PM
Yet another thing to blame on the Jews, I see. Did you know they are stealing your socks when you put them in the dryer? It's part of the materials required for building the Zionist Death Ray.
Anonymous said...
I am a Muslim, recently I was gifted with a beautiful babe girl, guess what I called her?
Rachel, yes she was noble and she has given her life for a noble cause. Whoever disagree is a criminal bustard whose hand is socked in blood of the innocent people.
12/06/2005 8:47 PM
Congratulations on your baby girl. Tunnels for funneling explosives to kill innocents is not a noble cause. Thought I'd inform you of that. By the way, this bustard prefers to put his socks on his feet. It's nice to know that you think anyone who disagrees with you is some kind of murderer. Good thing you didn't run for any student council positions when you were in school. Have you looked into anger management classes lately?
Anonymous said...
The Christian peacemakers certainly deserve the status of "houseguest" in this broken land.
They are braver than most journalists, who do not dare step outside their compound.
They go directly to the source of true knowledge--the people--rather than to our generals and their PR team who once upon a time worked for the people, but now only for the "party."
And so on.
No Iraqi group, no Muslim group, no "foreign fighters" would deem to hurt the honored brothers and sisters of Rachel Corrie!
So who does that leave?
12/06/2005 11:59 PM
Oh joy! Let me guess...
El-Mujaheed said...
the only options that the muslims have is military jihaad against the jewish kufaar
12/07/2005 2:48 AM
Yes. Trying to make peace agreements is out of the question. You do know that your solution has been tried several times with disastrous results, don't you? You won't care how many of your own people would wind up dead, just so long as you can get those dirty kuffar wiped off the map.
Anonymous said...
Rememerbering Rachel:
1. My Name is Rachel Levy (Israeli girl age 17, blown up in a grocery store)
2. My Name is Rachel Thaler (Israeli girl aged 16, blown up in a pizzeria)
3. My Name is Rachel Levi (Israeli girl aged 19, murdered while waiting for the bus)
4. My Name is Rachel Gavish (killed with her husband and son while at home)
5. My Name is Rachel Charhi (blown up while sitting in a cafe)
6. My Name is Rachel Shabo (murdered with her three sons aged 5, 13 and 6 while sitting at home)
It would be interesting knowing how many of THESE Rachels were murdered with explosives smuggled in through the same tunnels that Rachel Corrie and her ISM pro-terrorist friends were “defending”!
12/07/2005 7:19 AM
These guys don't care. They think Corrie was a martyr for helping in the murder of those young ladies.
Anonymous said...
It would be interesting to know how many of those "suicide" bombings were perpetrated by jews.
It is common knowledge even among jews that Hamas is a creation of Israeli intel.
Oh, yeah, and don't forget about the Palestinian Al-Qaeda.
12/07/2005 12:39 PM
Interesting. So Hamas and Al-Qaeda are Jewish operations? Do the Palestinians know this? Or are you on to some breath taking revelation? You should be encouraging them all to oppose those groups then, shouldn't you? You should be angry everytime Hamas pulls one of its stunts. Why do those in the ISM take part in the Jewish Hamas rallies? They should be protesting against Jewish Hamas, shouldn't they?
El-Mujaheed said...
some of them are illegal settlers who were putting their lives at risk by moving into occuppied West Bank and/or Gaza.
12/07/2005 1:22 PM
Cyte said...
See the myth of the suicide bomber.
12/07/2005 2:59 PM
Oh yeah Cyte. It's Jews blowing themselves up and blaming it on Arabs just so they have a reason to build a wall around themselves. I guess that makes sense, somewhere. Do you guys really think this kind of stuff through?
To be continued...
- Politics: Libertarian Straightshooters
- Think For Yourself
- Robert Anton Wilson
- The Militant Libertarian
- Some mucky
- The Volokh Conspiracy
- Marginal Revolution
- Stephan Kinsella
- Hammer of Truth
- Liberal Set
- Willow's Not Babbling
- MRR Will Live On: Alice
- Annatopia
- Atrios
- Kos "Screw Em" Blog
- Conservative Set
- Rantburg
- Rottweiler
- The Jet Set Chick
- Ace Pilots
- My Pet Jawa
- Beth from Fark
- The Saloon by Eric from Fark
- Interesting People.
- An Old Friend. Risa Williams.
- A TFer takes very good pics.
- Tian
- Freedom Fan Hates Nazis Too
- Poke these Nazis with a stick now and then
- Blogger willing to poke the Nazis

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- Evolution Surrenders! is...
- ...Is your world growing ever bigger and funnier, or smaller and nastier? Main sources of news items found compliments of Fark, Rantburg, Samizdata, and Majority Report Radio websites. Take me home James.

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- Just Make It The Red "Thingy" Already
- Old Hag Wishes She Was 55 Again
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- Asshats Imply Baghdad Sniper Must Be Jewish
- Worst. Rap. Battle. Evar!
- "Christmas" Deemed Too Radical A Term
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