Every now and then I come across truly repulsive blog sites. I'm not talking about those that I may not agree with on their positions on issues. Everyone has a right to their opinion on political matters, and all voices should be heard. I'm talking about those who cross the boundary into racial, religious, and political hatred. These places don't just have a disagreement, they would like to see those they don't like dead. Anyone is free to think that Israel is wrong on issues, hell for that matter, even if they should've have been given a state. I think they should've have been. They were given a tiny slice of land to call their own, and it is their historical home. If you want to go into details of who the land properly belongs to, it is pretty much a moot point. For thousands of years the land has changed hands between different peoples, and that is a sad fact. The funny thing is when you see the new Nazis proclaim the Jews were never there at all, or when they can't get past that fact, proclaim that the people there now aren't really Jews. The new Nazis claim that through interbreeding over the years, the Jews are no longer really the Jews, but are Khazars. So they therefore have no inheritance in the Holy Land. Thenew Nazis ignore the religious traditions that have held true, and the fact that not all Jews went into the Balkans following the dispersion by the Romans. No. That fact is ignored. Instead what we get from them are that the Jews are running everything, controlling The United States, trying to submit the world into the New World Order, the real culprits behind 9/11, Al-Qaeda, the banks, they are really Hamas, the puppetmasters pulling all the strings, and making the world miserable. Not to mention that the new Nazis also believe the holocaust is just a myth created by the Jews to help in delivering "The Zionist" plot.
Do you think me calling these ideas "Nazi" harsh? Let's compare some of Hitlers Nazi propaganda versus what some of those espousing the "Zionist Plot" are now declaring. Let's see what Nazi Germany was espousing. Take a look:
Look here.
Not enough? Try here.
Here from 1933 when the Nazis started the Anti-Jewish propaganda.
Not enough yet on the 1930's Nazi propaganda? Look more...
Need I continue more? Lets look at this compared to the comments I found on the extremely racist blog Cytations.Bloodsplatter.com. To qoute, and I will post mine first. I made a remark about Rachel Corrie. For more on Rachel Corrie and my opinion of her, please see my post Arabs Ask Jews To Help Get Rid of Left Wing Extremists, and you can see what group Corrie belonged to, and how they are trying to escalate the violence in that region. Corrie was nothing more than a racist trying to protect smuggling tunnels for arms to kill innocent Jewish men, women, and children. Anyways, this started these Nazis on their rant, and I'll let you judge them by their comments that followed. In fairness, my instigating comment that got them to expose themselves. This followed an article stating that it must have been Jews that kidnapped the hostages in Iraq, and that it is really Jews that are sniping our soldiers. After this asinine garbage, I couldn't resist:
Thoth said...
Rachel Corrie was a hate filled twat. Go to a foreign land to instigate trouble with matters that have nothing to do with you, and expect that bad things might happen. Quit making a stupid hate filled angry young antisemite into a martyr.
By the way, nice hate site you're running.
12/04/2005 10:59 PM
Followed by...
Cyte said...
You must be an Israeli and you confirm my story. Israeli contractors are punishing Christians for not letting Israel have her way in Iraq.
So, how many Israeli ambushers are the Marines holding?
12/05/2005 12:35 AM
This is too stupid to even answer.
George said...
This was no accident. These internationals were a witness to the never-ending nightmare in Iraq, and that makes them dangerous. They were targeted. How do we find out who has got the contract for surveillance and security in that region?
12/05/2005 1:40 AM
In the beginning, cro-mag said to his brother..."Those damn neanderthals must be behind our starving this winter..."
american said...
thoth is a racist and a hate-filled sexist.
most likely, a jew
12/05/2005 10:33 AM
You can't make this kind of stuff up.
Captaindamnit said...
Hate filled twat. Brilliant assesment, jackhole. She instigated no trouble, moron, she was protesting the wanton destruction of a palestinian neighborhood. She was protecting family values, you insane arseface. Neat blog, you got there. You must be pretty proud of your 9 visitors. Particularly validating to scream polarizing, shortsighted sound bites into a vacuum, huh? I'm real proud of you. Evidently, just a brainstem suffices for you, I see no evidence of higher functions in your blog. Have a fine life.
12/05/2005 10:40 AM
It wasn't wanton destruction of a neighborhood scratch monkey. She was protecting tunnels used to smuggle explosives. But of course, those were only Jews that those were killing, so I guess that holds to your sick and twisted version of family values. By the way, I'd rather have my 9 intelligent blog readers, than your small klan gathering of Nazis any day, twit.
Anonymous said...
If I stick my unprotected hand into a hornets nest and end up getting stung who's fault is it that I have been injured? Also does this indicate that I am [A]highly intelligent or [B] an idiot. Let's all emulate those that we admire. I don't admire idiots.
12/05/2005 1:31 PM
Count on one of the pinheads on Cytes little blog to try to turn this into some kind of Nazi wisdom.
Anonymous said...
Thoth- you are the hate filled twat. But I doubt your a true Jew, just a Zionist wannabe. The real Jews want an end to the conflict and Zionism.
Comparing Zionists to Hornets is actually a good comparison. Get too close and they attack...
But saying Rachel asked for it is like saying Jesus asked for what he got, but I guess you would think that wouldn't you...
12/05/2005 2:16 PM
I didn't say Rachel deserved it, I said she put herself into that kind of position. Her rage filled little black heart didn't help matters any. What she needed to do was maybe smoke a joint, and get laid once in a while. She didn't though. She was a Jew hater, just as you are, and she declared war on the Jewish people. She tried to cover for Hamas smuggling operations that were bent on killing Jewish people, but of course, that's okay with you. She was not a martyr. She was a murder enabling hate filled cunt.
It's also intersting you are now going to go into the "real Jew" rant. The real Jews should know their place? Is that what your saying? You would make a fine klansman indeed. They're okay as long as "Those" people know their proper place. Do you also think "real black people" should know they had it better under the white man? That sounds like your thinking. Why do you hate Jews bigot?
Anonymous said...
" Go to a foreign land to instigate trouble with matters that have nothing to do with you, and expect that bad things might happen"
Wait, isn't that how you guys got Israel to begin with?
You remember, when it used to be called Palestine?
12/05/2005 2:48 PM
Ummm...no. Remember it was called the Ottoman Empire? Read some Mark Twain on his trip to the Holy Land during the 1800's. It was an abondend land. We could go into a long history here, but I will suggest you just pick up an encyclopedia once in a while.
Anonymous said...
Thoth, your ADL style scare tactics aren't going to work anymore with people.
The Goyim (cattle) have awakened.
Your only power lied in keeping us asleep.
You have awakened a sleeping giant!
12/05/2005 2:52 PM
ADL style scare tactics? Stop being so paranoid little boy. Is the sleeping giant the "awakening of the Nazis?" Fuck it. I don't care. I'll go after you sicktards over and over again. Rather than awakening a sleeping giant, it appears to me I've swatted a swarm of horse flys. Now, go take a look in the mirror and see who the real goyim are. *Hint* They wear little jack boots and blame their problems on other people.
Anonymous said...
Rachel Corrie will live one forever in our hearts!
Zionists and Talmudists .... you losers are a bunch of jokers... Sad sad day, when all you can do is wreak terror and hate on the rest of the world.
The evidence against you is surprising strong. I've noticed today and yesterday on CNN/CNBC you had "911 Hijacker's "true" (sarcasm) accounts of the heist, when they are dead?!"... and then today you had a "talk show" about holocaust hoax... errr, or is it "denial"....
Yes yes. Speak on. You make my point brilliantly.
You losers are idiots. Chemical, Radioactive, DNA evidence do not play favorites or discriminate based on belief of "the chosen ones" (TM). Hard evidence is just that, hard evidence. Were are no longer in the dark ages (except for some idiots...), so you can't "hide" or lurk in the shadows anymore.
Yeah. Lizard people just shit on your porch. Did you see it?
The physical evidence is there to examine, and any attempt to censor and label the person with nasty labels, just isn't effective anymore.
So lets see you drop the labels.
Your days are numbered Zionists.
Yeah. I thought so.
The Russians have just demonstrated their NEWEST weapon, (of course you know about it, the US monitored it's SUCCESSFUL test), that can fly over 10,000 miles (that's hit ANY target on the face of the planet from any location), and able to carry MEGA-TONNE Nukes.
Not only that, these "beauties" are able to be UN-INTERCEPTIBLE, due to it's incredible random trajectory and ability of 4 Main booster rocket engines and 12 auxillary engines --- to change course in mid-flight, yet still hit the target dead on (with or without Satellite assistance).
So you losers in Tel Aviv or New York, think that any INCREASE in provacation on the rest of the world, you will be met will force.
Yawn. Okay. So you want to see Israel wiped off the map, as well as the U.S. How do you think the Middle East will fare in that exchange? If you really care about the people of that region, you would be trying to prevent that kind of scenario, rather than encouraging it, but go on...
Did I mention, the USSR (aka Russia) has about 4 dozen of these in Movable trucks and sillos?!!! And they are building more. So basically, it means you (aka Israel, UK, USA) will have to duke it out with Iran using ONLY conventional warfare....
.... And I'll bet you will find they are much, MUCH more capable than Iraq (which suffered 12 years of sanctions and intermittent bombings). Iran has 4 times the population, 10 times the fire power, strategic terrain (i.e. mountains and underground), and able to incite Iraqis to help in the case of war!
I got the picture. You are a little war mongerer that would rather escalate the situation than relieve it. Go on preaching your wet dream of destruction...
And Zionists, just remember you evil people are easy targets --- in a VERY SMALL SPATIAL AREA .... Yeah, I know, the "chosen" ones among you will be able to "hide" underground..... But, that won't help much, since there is serious danger of a CAVE-IN (if not worse), or the entrance being caved-in or destroyed and you're trapped like rodents in a can burning over a hot flame!
Und um he kooms his trowzers! Okay, I hope you're done wetting yourself now. On to the rest.
. So it is best to live in peace and harmony with the REST OF WORLD.
It is best to be HUMANE and to STOP INVADING, MURDERING, AND RAPPING other countries.
Zionists, NWOs, Neo-Cons, Illuminaties, Rotheschild, Goldbergs, or whatever you like to call yourselves...... The rest of the world just wants to live in peace and harmony.
There is no need for you to commit such heinous crimes against humanity.
Remember, the rest of the world have you "check-mated"....
12/06/2005 12:00 AM
Yes, I've read Icke, Jones, Sitchin, and the rest. You do know why these things are called conspiracies, don't you?
Anonymous said...
Great piece! Great analysis.
The "great game" is over, and the Zionists/Talmudists have lost!!!
12/06/2005 12:05 AM
Glad you're happy with the glue.
Anonymous said...
Did you ever notice that the contractor at the bottom of your piece literally has blood on his hands? These contractors are out of control in Iraq and they have got to be stopped.
Regarding some of the comments posted here: I can't believe how many men dare to trash the memory of Rachel Corrie, a daughter of compassion and liberty. May God bless her soul and accept her sacrifice, on behalf of the Palestinians and the human race.
12/06/2005 12:25 AM
And your absolute proof that this is Israelis running iraq is what? Can you identify the man pictured, or the prison for that matter? No you can't. You will take the little bullshit you want to believe, and put it forward as truth without any solid evidence. See the picture links above. You will enjoy them.
Anonymous said...
128 Iranians have been slaughtered by the Israelis.
They demonstrated they "reach" a few years back when a plane full of Iranian Scientists crashed into a mountain, killing over a hundred people.
Now they did it AGAIN!!!
They think they have won?!!! The Zionists don't know shit.... What goes around comes around.... Time for the Zionists to taste their own medicine for murdering 128 people on the military plane... The Iranians should talk note, there are MANY, MANY Israeli Spies in Iran.
Root them out, and get rid of the HUMAN PARASITES!!!
12/06/2005 11:21 AM
So why is it that Irans own government concluded that the crash was solely an Iranian problem? You are really sick bastards. I supose it was Jews that let your dog out of the yard many years ago to be hit by a car as well. Do you see what you guys are doing? You've invented your scapegoat to explain your own failures in life, so you don't have to face the reality that maybe you aren't all that you thought you were cracked up to be.
Anonymous said...
No thoth, it is you Zionists who have lost. This age is at an end. The Talmud will be eliminated.
Khazar Jews are definitely the Magog and Gog.
Khazar Jews are loyal to and serve the Talmud doctrine. It is thousands of years old and talks about the end of christianity, and the beginning of the pharisees on high.(anti christ)
Many Khazar Jews started out "holy" etc but through time became very isolated and corrupt, as you will see if you watch "Kingdom of Heaven" when the old King of Jerusalem becomes corrupted by a Talmud Khazar.
Its still frightening to see how much they deceive and where it is.....Moslems should not be blamed anymore for this ridiculous anarchy, the moslem world believes in making peace for God & bringing back the semites.
In fact why is everyone still after Osama Bin Laden? He had nothing to do with this and he is only glad for the "attacks", because the Zionists had become so corrupt, ie we have all been following zionists...
The Khazar Jew does not agree with your or my ideals of god etc, and they never have, that is why the war.....and that is why the attacks on Christmas and the massive suffering & squalor.....
12/06/2005 1:28 PM
Now why is it that saying the Talmud should be eliminated is okay to the Nazis, but that the Koran and Bible should live on? Tell me reckoning, why do you believe that Bin Laden is innocent and that the Jews are to blame? I know your Khazar bullshit, and it is just that. Bullshit. Why do you hate these people so much?
Posting this tonight, will respond to the rest of you tomorrow. By the way, you cowards that post anonymously, give yourself some kind of name so I know who to address. If that's how you feel, what the hell is scaring you from addressing some kind of name behind your little Nazi thoughts?
Continued Tomorrow...
- Politics: Libertarian Straightshooters
- Think For Yourself
- Robert Anton Wilson
- The Militant Libertarian
- Some mucky
- The Volokh Conspiracy
- Marginal Revolution
- Stephan Kinsella
- Hammer of Truth
- Liberal Set
- Willow's Not Babbling
- MRR Will Live On: Alice
- Annatopia
- Atrios
- Kos "Screw Em" Blog
- Conservative Set
- Rantburg
- Rottweiler
- The Jet Set Chick
- Ace Pilots
- My Pet Jawa
- Beth from Fark
- The Saloon by Eric from Fark
- Interesting People.
- An Old Friend. Risa Williams.
- A TFer takes very good pics.
- Tian
- Freedom Fan Hates Nazis Too
- Poke these Nazis with a stick now and then
- Blogger willing to poke the Nazis

design: OMI Ripped, by nakaithus
- Evolution Surrenders! is...
- ...Is your world growing ever bigger and funnier, or smaller and nastier? Main sources of news items found compliments of Fark, Rantburg, Samizdata, and Majority Report Radio websites. Take me home James.

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- Blogger Location: Austin TX for 4 years now.
- A San Jose CA Native.
- Do you know the way to fascism?
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- stupiditysearch@yahoo.com
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- Test: What is your political leaning?
- All In Fun
- Also former writer for one of these.
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- Corporate MOFO
- Toxic Universe
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- The Smoking Gun
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- Update On Christmas Display
- Just Make It The Red "Thingy" Already
- Old Hag Wishes She Was 55 Again
- Jumping To Conclusions
- Cheese Heist Foiled
- Asshats Imply Baghdad Sniper Must Be Jewish
- Worst. Rap. Battle. Evar!
- "Christmas" Deemed Too Radical A Term
- Paging #. Paging #.
- Get Your Best Rapture Clothes On
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