I took an internet break yesterday, and went back to see what's at Cyte's place. Same old same old, and stats on how Auschwitz wasn't bad and just a lie and blah blah blah. They qoute places such as rense.com for their sources, and this is just futile talking to these people on my part. I will let the little goose-steppers go about their hating ways. When people start qouting the racist and nutty places as their sources, just chalk it up as talking to brain washed lunatics that can't see the forest for the trees. It isn't worth bothering with. They believe they are on to some "bright new insight", and when all they are doing is re-hashing the same old racist stereo-types that have been around for centuries. These would've been the first people to start the inquisition. These would've been the fanatics looking for the scapegoat that "poisoned the well". Judging from some of their posts, some of them would also start lighting fires under the Jews feet to burn away the "scourge" that is making their world unhappy.
Note to you folks at cytes place. Rense.com and your other conspiracy theory sites have about as much credibility as Bat Boy and the other crap that can be picked up at the Weekly World News. Keep qouting your whacky sites that espouse old ideas that have been disproven for ages and shown as idiotic. You look for a scapegoat, and you go to the nuts to provide it for you. Rense, Infowars, David Icke, Sitchin, Jones, and others aren't giving you any "valuable new insight". They are re-hashing old ideas and selling you on you wanting to believe that all the shortcomings you have come across in life are not of your own doing, but a "conspiracy" by others to shortchange you on your lifes potentials. You have fallen for it hook, line, and sinker. "Professing to be wise, they became fools".
I see there's a proclaimed "self hating Jew" on the site now, and that makes the Nazis there happy. Gee, what a surprise. They claim stats from the nutball sites prove them right, but they oddly don't question the source. They say some never saw it, so that proves it didn't happen, meanwhile ignoring what the Soviet and U/S. soldiers found, including my grandfather who was there in Germany. He told me of the atrocities they found, and judging by the way he got heated about it, I have no qualms on believing what he said to be true. He was there. These Nazis weren't. But with the people of that era slowly dying off, they hope to re-write history. They proclaim a myth was started at that time by a people that had NOTHING at that period. They claim that somehow the Jews still managed to brainwash everyone on what happened, and is still part of "The Plot". Let's grasp the whole story then, and take a look at what is the message.
To the Nazi's, the Jews ran the world. They believed the Jews controlled all media, government, banks, and where in a world wide plot for world domination. Working behind the scenes, but raping the rest of the cultures of the world around them. They were there to bring down all the other races in their goal for world wide dominitation, and ultimately control the world through a New World Order and bring about the beast to kill off the Christians and Muslims and the rest of humanity if they did not submit to the Jews in their global domination. The Nazis believed that the Aryan race should be in that position. The people at Cytes aren't proclaiming Aryan superiority, but they sure are biting into the Nazi propaganda against the Jews as the scapegoat for preventing world peace and they having lack of satisfaction in their lives. If the people at Cytes were alive at the time of Nazi Germany, they would've been the first to round the Jews at the camps. If they were alive during the Inquisition, they would've been the ones decrying poisoned wells, if they were alive during the Salem Witch Hunts, they would've been the first to see if the witches floated or not to prove their guilt. These are the same people who would've sparked the KKK. They want a scapegoat to explain the miseries of the world as being out of their power to control, and they've found it. It's the same one that's been chosen for centuries, and the arguements are the same. They think they are enlightened, but they look to sites like rense.com that just espew the same arguements that have been around since times of old. They can't deny these are the same ideas that the Nazi's had, and now try to say that "Real Jews" like Ken assure their ideas about that race and the need for them to be extinguished from having a land of their own, and need to be put into their proper place. Sorry you hate your own culture Ken. Be a good Jew and burn the rest of your people so you can make the haters of your people happy. The Nazis liked that, be a good Nazi with the rest of these folks.
- Politics: Libertarian Straightshooters
- Think For Yourself
- Robert Anton Wilson
- The Militant Libertarian
- Some mucky
- The Volokh Conspiracy
- Marginal Revolution
- Stephan Kinsella
- Hammer of Truth
- Liberal Set
- Willow's Not Babbling
- MRR Will Live On: Alice
- Annatopia
- Atrios
- Kos "Screw Em" Blog
- Conservative Set
- Rantburg
- Rottweiler
- The Jet Set Chick
- Ace Pilots
- My Pet Jawa
- Beth from Fark
- The Saloon by Eric from Fark
- Interesting People.
- An Old Friend. Risa Williams.
- A TFer takes very good pics.
- Tian
- Freedom Fan Hates Nazis Too
- Poke these Nazis with a stick now and then
- Blogger willing to poke the Nazis

design: OMI Ripped, by nakaithus
- Evolution Surrenders! is...
- ...Is your world growing ever bigger and funnier, or smaller and nastier? Main sources of news items found compliments of Fark, Rantburg, Samizdata, and Majority Report Radio websites. Take me home James.

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- About me. Becuase it's all about me.
- Blogger Location: Austin TX for 4 years now.
- A San Jose CA Native.
- Do you know the way to fascism?
- Vote Democrat or Republican to get there
- stupiditysearch@yahoo.com
- My political stance.
- Test: What is your political leaning?
- All In Fun
- Also former writer for one of these.
- Something Awful
- Corporate MOFO
- Toxic Universe
- Hope Is Emo
- JibJab
- I-Mockery
- Liquid Generation
- Ask The Imam
- The Smoking Gun
Previous Posts
- Part 3 of Taking on The Nazis
- Ongoing at Cytations
- "Scum of The Earth" Catagory Being Added. Cytes Ge...
- Update On Christmas Display
- Just Make It The Red "Thingy" Already
- Old Hag Wishes She Was 55 Again
- Jumping To Conclusions
- Cheese Heist Foiled
- Asshats Imply Baghdad Sniper Must Be Jewish
- Worst. Rap. Battle. Evar!
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