Marlene Whitby has finally re-signed. Someone should make sure she never works with children again:
ELIZABETH, Pa. -- An elementary school principal resigned after parents denounced her for parading an 8-year-old girl from class to class after a classmate falsely accused her of stealing $5.
Marlene Whitby, principal at William Penn Elementary School in the Pittsburgh suburb of Elizabeth, submitted her resignation Wednesday, and the district's school board accepted it unanimously.
Whitby and the school's administration came under fire this month when the parents of third-grader Katie White protested that Whitby had not been punished for the September incident.
After the classmate accused the girl of stealing the $5, Whitby took her from room to room, calling her a liar and thief. The other child later recanted the story.
Read The Rest Here.
Don't let the door hit you in the ass Marlene. Good bye, and good riddance.
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