I really wish they hadn't though. This was one of those cases where the story was much better without the picture:
NOVEMBER 16--So we're on Fark.com this morning and we see this intriguing headline: "Police charge naked 18-year-old woman with assault and more. Just another night for Decatur." Since TSG, of course, closely monitors important Fredericksburg, Virginia legal matters, we first raced to the news story and then moved on to the Fark comments forum for further information. But we were disappointed to find that neither offered a photo of young nudist Julianna Torreyson. Useless without a picture, we thought. So TSG scrambled to obtain the below booking photo of the alleged teen terror, who was booked into the Rappahannock Regional Jail on a $3500 bond. Along with indecent exposure and disorderly conduct raps, Torreyson is facing charges of assaulting a police officer, resisting arrest, and underage drinking. She joins a topless motorcycle passenger, two store window exhibitionists, and a mother who did nude jumping jacks on our roster of naked female arrestees. Link.
You can go to the link if you like, to see what Julianna Torreyson looks like. I wish I hadn't. This story was much better when I used my imagination.
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- An Old Friend. Risa Williams.
- A TFer takes very good pics.
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- Freedom Fan Hates Nazis Too
- Poke these Nazis with a stick now and then
- Blogger willing to poke the Nazis

design: OMI Ripped, by nakaithus
- Evolution Surrenders! is...
- ...Is your world growing ever bigger and funnier, or smaller and nastier? Main sources of news items found compliments of Fark, Rantburg, Samizdata, and Majority Report Radio websites. Take me home James.

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- About me. Becuase it's all about me.
- Blogger Location: Austin TX for 4 years now.
- A San Jose CA Native.
- Do you know the way to fascism?
- Vote Democrat or Republican to get there
- stupiditysearch@yahoo.com
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- Test: What is your political leaning?
- All In Fun
- Also former writer for one of these.
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- Corporate MOFO
- Toxic Universe
- Hope Is Emo
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- Spreading Cancer Can Be Fun
- Break That Ass Girl!
- Runaway Soldier Runs To Girlfriend From Cops
- The Great Casino Ro... Oh Never Mind...
- Well, She Does Have A Wart...
- Newdow's Pubes In a Bind. (Again.)
- The Great Flame War of 2005
- How Much Is Your Blog Worth?
- The Attention Whore Parade Continues
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