Another story to keep in mind. When getting busted by the cops, don't flee to your stash for safety:
A New Jersey newspaper is reporting that an AWOL Jefferson County soldier was caught in a heroin bust. According to the Morris County Daily Record, Kyle Hansen, 21 was caught along with a Colorado woman with $16,700 in cash and 115 bags of heroin.
Uncle Sam wasn't paying him enough. If he had went to Afghanistan he could have worked on some connections though.
The newspaper account says a Roxbury patrolman saw a suspicious vehicle in a Holiday Inn Express parking lot.
I always wondered what suspicious looking vehicles look like. Do they have beady head lights?
When the officer went to check on it, the man inside shut the door and laid on the seat. As the officer got closer, the man, later identified as Hansen got out and began walking toward the hotel, the newspaper said. The story says when the officer tried to question Hansen, he became belligerent and ran into the hotel, but was caught and subdued.
A search of the hotel room of Hansen and Nadia Wolfaardt, 25, Colorado turned up 115 bags of heroin along with cocaine, marijuana, 52 syringes and cash, the newspaper reported. Bail for Hansen was set at $130,000.
The system will probably be kinder to Hansen than Nadia's going to be.
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- Evolution Surrenders! is...
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- A San Jose CA Native.
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