The health gestapo has reared its ugly head again. Oral sex is now on the casualty list of fun things in life that give you cancer:
Certain cases of mouth cancer appear to be caused by a virus that can be contracted during oral sex, media reported, quoting a new Swedish study. People who contract a high-risk variety of the human papilloma virus, HPV, during oral sex are more likely to fall ill with mouth cancer, according to a study conducted at the Malmo University Faculty of Odontology in southern Sweden.
This just verifys what we've all known all along about oral sex. It's better to receive than give. Although giving is fun too.
"You should avoid having oral sex," dentist and researcher Kerstin Rosenquist, who headed the study, told Swedish news agency TT.
Oh blow me!!
HPV is a wart virus that causes many cervical cancers, including endometrial cancer (in the uterus). Comparing 132 patients with mouth cancer with a control group of 320 healthy people, Rosenquist found that 36 percent of the cancer patients were carriers of HPV while only one percent of the control group had the virus.
We all know which group to laugh at.
The main factors that contribute to mouth cancer, most commonly contracted by middle aged and older men, are smoking and drinking alcohol, scientists agree.
And fatty foods, and football, and boobies, and television, and pimped out cars, and...
"But in recent years the illness has been on the rise among young individuals and we don't know why. But one could speculate that this virus (HPV) is one of the factors," Rosenquist said. Her findings confirm other international studies in recent years. Link.
As with everything else that is bad for you, there will be some health Nazis coming to preach to you with this new found ammonition. Screw em. They may live longer than me by some years, but as far as life and years go I have one thing to tell them. "It's all about quality, not quantity." Go out and get laid sometime Kerstin, and quit doing studies just to convince your old man why you won't go down on him.
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