This is going to cause quite a stir, and it will be interesting to keep an eye on how this develops:
Restaurants in some cities, including Chicago, have started seating familes based on "have children" or "non-children," much like smoking and non-smoking sections. Now, the theory has made its way to the Tar Heel state.
RALEIGH, NC -- You've heard of smoke-free zones. How about child-free zones? That is the aim of an Internet petition that is mounting signatures in North Carolina to have child-free sections in upscale restaurants. The Web site claims to be the voice of adults who are tired of children ruining their nights out.
I'd like to see cell phone-free zones. How about a loud people-free zone? And let's face it, we would all like to see a gross eater-free zone as well. These people all know how to ruin a night out.
Arman Atashi, co-owner of the upscale Blue Note restaurant in Cary, says the problem can be avoided as long as restaurant managers do a good job of seating customers. "But legislating it, mandating it, coming up with rules and guidelines, I'd say we're asking for a headache," Atashi said.
And a whole new set of laws that could be discriminatory. You know there use to be a set of laws seperating were people sat in places based on who they are are, and not on what they were doing. We got rid of those kind of laws. Remember?
The petition has more than 400 signatures and even got a mention in the New York Times, but not everyone agrees with what people are saying. Kevin and Lissa Wertz have three kids. They want to know what they are supposed to do.Link.
Get a baby-sitter or be seperated from others for having brought children into the world.
Now don't get me wrong. I understand people want a quiet night out, and if they are paying good money for a fine meal they probably don't want to listen to a baby crying, or have children running around and making the restuarant into a personal playground. This shouldn't be legislated though. This should be left to each restuarant as to how they want to go about the situation. Like Atashi said, let the restuarant think of clever ways to do seating, and leave it out of the law makers hands. That's only asking for trouble. It should also be noted that there are plenty of children out there who do know how to behave themselves. Don't punish them all for the action of some. And parents, if you know your child is not the type to sit still for very long don't take them to any restaurant that has let's say, "Chez" in its' name. Try Chuck E. Cheese instead.
Here is what the petition states:
To: North Carolina Restauranteurs
WE, the childless and childfree people of the United States, hereby request that there be childfree sections set aside in your bars and restaurants immediately. Just as no-smoking sections offer non-smokers the option of dining without being forced to breathe cigarette and/or cigar smoke, we feel there should also be childfree sections where patrons can enjoy their dining experience in a peaceful, relaxing, and relatively quiet environment. People dine out in part for the ambiance it provides. That ambiance is lost when a child is crying and screaming or running around the restaurant unsupervised by his or her parents. Since consumers without children have more disposable income, spend more per person on drinks and food at each dining experience, and dine out more often than do people with children, we feel that now is the right time to implement these special sections. People without children, whether they are single or in a committed relationship, are a major economic power, and we know you want to please your patrons so that they return. We respectfully ask that you honor our request and designate childfree sections in your restaurants.
This petition is signed not only by the childless and childfree who reside in North Carolina, but all over the country, as people without children travel significantly more than do people with children, and one day may decide in their travels to dine in North Carolina.
*NOTE: This petition does not apply to fast-food restaurants, long known as the bastions of children worldwide. We are focusing our request only on higher-end and upscale restaurants, places where adults should be able to enjoy each other’s company without interruptions.
You may also sign this petition if you are a parent who desires childfree sections in restaurants.
The Undersigned
They have more money, therefore their opinion weighs more. Talk about having an ego trip, every snob should be proud of how that thing is worded. The petition can be viewed and signed here.
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