This asshat is going to get the crap beat out of him by someone for this:
CARLISLE, Ky. (AP) - A Nicholas County High School student was suspended after he was accused of urinating in an ice machine that at least 31 people got ice from before the incident was reported. Ben Buckler, chief of police for Nicholas County Schools, said another student dared the boy, who told officials he relieved himself in the ice machine in the gymnasium lobby just before physical education class Wednesday.
The other student that dared him needs to also be punished. Obviously he didn't let anyone know what was going on.
School law officials say charges will be filed, although officials were still trying to decide Thursday what to charge him with. He was suspended for 10 days, pending an expulsion hearing.
There are tons of laws on tampering with food, water, medicine etc;. I hope the delay is becuase they are trying to find the one that will give the harshest punishment.
Other students witnessed the incident, but it wasn't reported to Principal Doug Bechanan until Thursday morning. By the time the machine was taken out of service, some students and staff had taken ice from the machine.
Anyone who witnessed it and didn't say anything should all receive some kind of punishment.
School officials contacted the Department of Public Health in Frankfort. "They said it was gross and morally wrong but not a health risk," Buckler said. Health officials said urine is sterile because the body has its own filtering system. If any bacteria did make it through, the ice's temperature would have killed it. But some students, parents and staff remained worried. The Nicholas County School Board is picking up doctor bills "to ease the minds" of those who were exposed and want to be checked out anyway.
Suspension and expulsion aren't enough for this kid. Hopefully he'll get some time spent behind bars, as well as fines. I imagine he is going to learn all about what law suit means as well. If anyone decides to dunk his head in a port-o-potty, I didn't see it.
Congratulations, you're the Asshat of The Day, punk.
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