You may remember Canadas insane decision to free a rapist late last month, because the court declared he has sexsomnia. Britain has joined in the madness by declaring rape is okay if the assailant is sleep walking:
A BARMAN accused of rape was yesterday cleared after telling a jury he must have been SLEEPWALKING at the time. James Bilton, 22, did not deny having sex with the female pal but told York Crown Court he could not remember it.
Yeah, I did her. I don't remember it though. Really."
He said: "Sleepwalking is the only explanation I can come up with."
The woman said Bilton let her have his bedroom at his York flat after a night out and kissed her on the forehead before going to sleep on the sofa. But she woke up to find her jeans had been taken off.
I still find it amazing how stealthily sleeping people can remove a womans clothes without her waking up to it.
He then had sex with her three times in minutes. An expert said he had a history of sleepwalking and four per cent of sufferers commit sex acts as they "slept".
That's not saying much for you, is it speedy?
The acquittal follows a similar case in Canada where Jan Luedecke, 33, was accused of raping a woman on a couch at a party. He was cleared last month after experts said he had "sexsomnia".
Rapists everwhere have to be rejoicing over this. Can I be excused for robbing several banks if I say I must have been sleeping at the time? Canada and Britain have just fallen a rung on the ladder of intelligence.
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- Worst. Boss. Evar. Maybe?
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- Part 3 of Taking on The Nazis
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