It looks like Michelle Malkin discovered who sent Joshua Sparling the "Hope You Die Soon" card. It was none other than the white supremacist Nazi Michael Crook that was the turd behind the card. The Dread Pundit Bluto interviews him here. Michael Crook is a Nazi that has a deathwish against our troops for reasons unknown, but it probably has to do with his small penis and that every woman he's been with has left him for the much better loving they have gotten from Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, and other Whitemen over Michael. So sorry you were born so ungifted Michael. It doesn't mean you have to respond to your own personal pain with attacks on decent people everywhere.
For those that don't know the story, this is the guy who thought it was cute to send our soldiers who are hospitalized with wounds from battle, cards saying that he hopes they die soon. He thought himself especially clever in making it look like they came from school children.
I have something to say to you Michael. I hope you are beaten and left nearly dead in an alley somewhere. I don't want you to die, because I am going to be sending you many cards telling you how happy I am that you are in agony. May you have a long and slow death. Crook is such an appropriate last name. Here's his response:
For those that have e-mailed or IM'd me regarding the card sent to Joshua Sparling, yes I did it. I do not regret a minute of it.
I even included a jab at my detractors, by signing it "Miguel". Here in the photo, the card obviously made it to its intended destination, his hands and his hospital room. Enjoy that, tax-sucking scumbag!
Oh, and for the veteran scum at various, randomly chosen VFW halls across the country-- including Fountain Hills, AZ; Dayton, OH; Syracuse, NY; Mays Landing, NJ; Houston TX, and more.... you're welcome for your "special" cards and faxes.
And, yes, I was the "heartless SOB" that sent four cards to the Veterans Hospital on Irving Avenue in Syracuse.
No, I don't regret it, and yes I'll do it again in a heartbeat.
Any questions?
Yes, would you prefer eating your teeth for breakfast, or having your shin bone rammed up your ass? Go to hell Michael, and may your angry little dead carcass be pissed on by anyone and everything that happens to pass by. You are truly the scum of the Earth.
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- Iranians Looking To Stuff Iraqis Boxes. Border Gua...
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