Talk about pimping your ride:
Two Central Florida men were arrested Monday on suspicion they stole horns from a train and attempted to hook them up to a truck, Local 6 News reported. Eustis police said Richard Etienne and Mark Wortsman were charged with grand theft in connection with the stolen train horns at Inland Lake Railway in Eustis.
Becuase no one would've noticed the big ass horn on their truck isn't sold at Autozone.
Earlier this month, an official at the railway noticed a horn was missing during inspection of a train. Since all equipment must be working for the train to be allowed to travel on the tracks, a crane was called to move the locomotive and put it out of commission until it could be repaired. Other horns were also reported missing.
Eustis police received a tip that the horns were with Wortsman and Etienne after a tip was reported that the pair were allegedly showing off the five orange horns and trying to get them to work.
I'm amazed they didn't injure themselves in doing so.
During questioning, Etienne confessed to police that they stole the horns. The horns cost more than $2,000 to replace.
Lock em up. It would be fun to have one of those horns working to wake them up in the morning. Next time they should try stealing a turbine off a jet to trick their truck out.
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- Follow-up: Asshat Card Sender Discovered.
- Un-Patriotic Act Renewal Shot Down In Flames
- Baby's Got Book
- No Dead Baby Jokes Please.
- Police Declare War On Giant Penis. Beat It Down Wi...
- Worst. Boss. Evar. Maybe?
- Iranians Looking To Stuff Iraqis Boxes. Border Gua...
- New Week, On To Something Different. But First...
- Part 3 of Taking on The Nazis
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