The mafia running Moscow is pushing the world to a cataclismic war. George Bush will talk a good game, but sure enough, Vladimir Puto will be spending another whoring adventure at Crawford soon:
MOSCOW - Russia has agreed to sell more than $1 billion worth of missiles and other defense systems to Iran, Russian news media reported Friday, a move expected to draw a heated reaction from the United States.
Condi will spit a few words of disdain, then make nice with the sleeping bag in tow to whore it up with the former KGB Czar Putin.
The Interfax and ITAR-Tass news agencies cited unidentified sources in the Russian military-industrial complex as saying that Russian and Iranian officials had signed contracts in November that would send up to 30 Tor-M1 missile systems to Iran over the next two years. Interfax said the Tor-M1 system could identify up to 48 targets and fire at two targets simultaneously at a height of up to 20,000 feet.
Meanwhile, the U.S.A has their hands full in Iraq...
The news agency quoted its source as saying the two countries had reached a deal on modernizing Iran's air force inventory, as well.
It wasn't enough to give them the technology for nuclear development without a delivery system.
The deal was also reported in the Vedomosti newspaper, which cited an unidentified manager at a military-industrial enterprise as saying Russia would provide Iran with 29 Tor missile systems that had originally been manufactured on orders from Greece. The state arms export agency, Rosoboronexport, said it had no information on the reported deal.
Of course not. They also had no reports that anything was wrong at Chernobyl either. But of course, you will see the ultra-left here bowing and believing whatever the Politburo Diktat will tell them. Iran is just seeking these things to defend themselves from the expansion crazed Israel. "If Israel has them, why shouldn't Iran?" That follows the same logic as "The policeman there has has a gun, why shouldn't Squeaky Fromme?"
No Iranian officials were immediately available for comment Friday, a weekly holiday in the country. There were no reports in the Iranian media about the deal.
That's becuase they're smart little fascists. They don't have a free press. They aren't going to let this kind of stuff out. Those in the media know they would be dead if they did so. The fun part will be when you see extremists in this country take the lack of news there on the subject as proof that Iran is not planning any wrong doing. It will be "Israeli and U.S." misinformation according to them. As if the mad mullahs in Iran are suddenly to be taken as gospel.
Straining relations with the U.S.
While the conventional weapons deal would not violate international agreements, it was likely to elicit an adverse reaction from the United States.
"I expect that Russia's decision to supply the complexes to Iran will meet a negative reaction from the West, but this criticism will be of a political rather than legal character," Konstantin Kosachev, the head of the parliamentary foreign affairs committee, was quoted by Vedomosti as saying.
In other word..."Nyah Nyah Nyah Nyah Nyah Nyah!!!"
Russia, a key Iranian ally, has resisted U.S.-led efforts to bring Tehran before the U.N. Security Council over its alleged nuclear weapons program, insisting that the disputes be resolved through the U.N. nuclear watchdog. Russia is also building a nuclear reactor in the Iranian city of Bushehr.
Meanwhile Bush invites the Puto for another sleepover. Those rectum muscles might end up giving out on you Georgie boy.
Meanwhile, the United States and Russia are supporting efforts by the European Union to persuade Iran to halt development of nuclear weapons in exchange for economic incentives, such as trade opportunities.
ROFLMFAO!!! How do the Russians get away with this Benny Hill routine?
Russia, which has a long and lucrative relationship with Iran, has offered to try to resolve a key dispute by offering to enrich uranium for an Iranian civilian nuclear energy program as a safeguard against Iran using enrichment for weapons purposes.
Always brilliant. Those that cuased the problem, are then intrusted to solve it.
Undersecretary of State Nicholas Burns said Wednesday that the Bush administration had not endorsed the Russian proposal and that "we continue to take a hard line" on Iran's not controlling a process that could produce nuclear weapons.
"If you don't cut this shiat out, we will be sending you a letter stating that we are growing unhappy with you." Koffi take a bow.
Burns said sidetracked negotiations between Iran and Britain, France and Germany probably would be resumed in early January. Israel considers Iran to be its biggest threat, and doesn’t believe Tehran's claims that its nuclear program is peaceful. Israeli concerns were heightened recently after Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad urged that Israel be "wiped off the map."
And leave it to the loons to say that was just a misunderstanding. Iran's goals are very clear to all who do not have their blinders on for their hatred of "Zionism" and Israel. Iran has made it clear over and over again what their goal is. "Wipe Israel off of the map." They've been saying it for decades now. It surprises me little to see Puto attempting to facilitate with this. The Communists hate the Jews. What is going to happen is that as soon as Iran tries to go through with this little endeavor of "kill all the Israelis", you can count on that being the end of the Middle East region all together. The Jews are not going to go to their "proper place" like the Communists, Muslim Extremists, and far left believe they should. If you attempt to take them down, they are going to take those who persecute them down with them. Iran is playing a very dangerous game here, and most of the world realizes this. It's time for the extreme far left in this country to wake up out of their anti-semetic induced hysteria, and take a look at what they are supporting in stating that Iran should have weapons too, becuase "Israelis may have them." Israel is not stating they want to "wipe their neighbors off the map". Iran is. Israel just wants to be left alone in peace. The "peace loving" extreme-left would want nothing better to see that nation die. They then tell us that the mad mullahs wouldn't want to see their own people die after all, right? Which is very funny when you consider that they are talking about the same mad mullahs that support suicide bombers and their families as martyrs when they kill Israelis in suicide bombing attacks. No. Get it through your thick fucking skulls. The Iranian mullahs would see nothing wrong in having their own people destroyed in the name of fascist religious ideals. All those who would die would be martyrs. The mullahs would have done their people a favor by getting them instantly into heaven in their mindset. Until the extremists here truely understand the mindset of these people, they will keep pushing on for the destruction of the people of the middle east. Putin is the evil bastard leading this push. It never ceases to pain how many would follow this evil man in leading millions to destruction. The fallacy of the far left will not be realized until they come to understand that the underdog is NOT always right.
Meanwhile...George Bush will get the guest bed ready for this evil son of a bitch. That little dhimmi could use a lesson too.
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