With all the media talking about this, you just knew Jesse wouldn't be able to stay away:
PHILADELPHIA (AP) -- The Rev. Jesse Jackson called the Philadelphia Eagles' punishment of Terrell Owens "much too severe." Jackson said in a statement released Friday that Owens could have been more professional when he publicly complained about his contract, his team and the Eagles' organization.
"Could have been more professional when he publicly complained"? Oh Jesse, do tell. Do tell.
But Jackson said Owens' suspension without pay for four games and deactivation for the rest of the season is "much too severe for the charge" and hurts the athlete's NFL career at its height.
Becuase it's all about T.O., right? It's funny how attention whoring asshats stick up for one another.
The civil rights activist said the level of punishment could have been warranted if Owens had been caught shaving points, selling drugs, carrying a gun or fighting fans without sufficient restraint.
Um...no. Those kinds of things usually land one in jail.
"This does not warrant a one-year ban from the game," Jackson said, adding that the Eagles should release Owens to the open market or free agency if they no longer want to associate with him.
There are contractual reasons he is not being released right away. Did you bother to get all the details before popping off your fool mouth?
Ralph Nader, a consumer activist and former presidential candidate, has already called for the suspension to be rescinded. Owens was suspended last week after he said in an interview that the Eagles showed "a lack of class" for not publicly recognizing his 100th career touchdown catch, and that the team would be better off with Green Bay's Brett Favre as quarterback. He has since apologized.
Read it here.
Al Sharpton should be addressing this issue any moment now. Expect Paris Hilton to start dating T.O. Jesse Jackson gets todays T.O. award.
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