Evolution Surrenders!

Thursday, February 22, 2007

A Pure Sex Symbol

Not really, but who could ever forget this early 1980's classic


I love these. I'm hoping to find some more old Looney Tunes, and SNAFU in particular.

Hope Is Emo Part 6


Sunday, February 18, 2007

Damnit Janet!


I miss the 80's and 70's

Let's do the time warp again. I have what has been waiting for your rainy day. Now, for a jump to the left, and your hands on your hip:

Squirts all over you.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Hope Is Emo Part 5


Fark prepares for war against SA Goons

The SA Goons have declared war on Farkistan, and we are ready to fight it out at Cybernations.net

I have developed my own little country consisting of jihadi warrior Arab Muslims led under my kingship, and am ready to fight for the cuase. The SA Goons out number us, but through n00bs like me, we think the numbers are almost even. (We are probably going to get our asses kicked.) The war shall start tomorrow. I am leaving my countries name out of this so Something Awful doesn't target me soon. Now I just have to convince my people that they really don't want to be Jewish Commies of Bedouin background.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Fark You Reuters

Fark got in some trouble again this past friday. I had tried to post about this then, but this damn kaffir new blogger was giving me problems. Here it is, Reuters takes offence to Fark over Anna Nicoles death. Bite me, asshats. Here's the Fark thread so many took offense to here.

Condi test


test again

New blogger is giving me problems.

Friday, February 09, 2007

Test 2

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Image credit goes to untrustworthy of Fark.com
test test

Test test test..

Why aren't the haloscan comments working?

Jeebus! Do they have to make this hard?

New blog stuff going on. Let me see how I can work this new set up.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Sponsors word..

I forgot to post my favorite emo gal yesterday.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Another dork

Yeah, I know about lonelygirl15 but she is fun to watch.

Monday, February 05, 2007

I remember little blue unicorns...

Oh, for the fucking Bay area and the always kick ass trip it will always be. It's Blue Cheer once again...

Anyone who doesn't remember blue unicorns during the 80's , oh well. Hey, you remember the lake, right?

I've written a shiatload on Blue Cheer on the internet in the past. I doubt if you want to know more, but in case you do, feel free feel to e-mail me sometime. I've kind have taken this bands history under my wing.

They were never a hippie band. This was a biker band through and through. I want to write a biography on them some day, and would like any input about them.

And a tour...

You have to love sarah Winchester, the freak. Took two tours. I'm dying for a 3rd.


More from san Jose

The Winchester Mystery House


The Winchester Mystery House

No other place is as beautiful, yet as huanting at the same time.

EMO 101

Your first lesson in EMO:


Another word from our sponser...

Hitler was a baby once...


Fark mods crack down.

Post only emo/libtard crap, or you might get banned.


I've been at Fark for about 2 and half years, and never got banninated before that. Now I have my 2nd one in the last 10 days? What the fuck is going on with you Fark? 1st one was for saying "fag", I can't even figure out what this one is for. Quit being such emos, mods.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Super Bowl...

Prediction for today:

The Colts will stop Jones, and Grossman won't be a factor. Bears will play Manning and the Colts well, but not enough. Final score:

Colts 17 Bears 7.

Video test

more Berryz Koubou stuff from Japan. Test test test...


I'm having a hard time accessing photos...


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Saturday, February 03, 2007

Todays positive ending

Sweet Day. Tomorrow the Super Bowl.

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Photo credit lefty201 of fark.

A word from our sponsor

I love this gothtard.


Final points in music...

Australia: 10
England: 9
Egypt: 8
Brazil: 7
Turkey: 6
Japan: 5
Peru: 4
Israel: 3
Italy: 2
Phillipines: 1

Todays Power Points

Music points...



Crikey! I think we have a clear winner here.


I need a blunt to really enjoy this.


Great music! This one had me dancing in my seat!


My first 2 girl friends were Phillipinas. Pek pek mobaho. Too bad the music is shitty.


This is like the secular non-mooslim version of cat Stevens. Not bad, Turkey.

Power Points on music

From yesterday, the points each country got for music:


I will observe the other 5 countries and point totals should change. The Gauchos from Argentina would kick all of their asses if Argentina was in play.

Friday, February 02, 2007

End the day on a positive note

Cheer up mofo.

This broadcast brought to you by...

Love emo, don't hate.


England easily wins round one among the top 5. I'll look at the other 5 country considerations tomorrow.


Singing pugs rule. Even in stupid videos.


Hot bodz-beat, Hot bodz-beat, Hot bodz-beat, Hot bodz-beat, Hot bodz-beat.

Rinse-repeat, a winning formula.


This kind of crap brought down the empire.


You have to hand it to Japan. They have Hello Kitty down like no other.

Version 2 as well becuase this video is just too cute:



First study in reviewing different cultures is taking a look at their music.

Let's look...


I plan on living in a foreign nation for a few years, and then returning to america after my kids are grown. I've weighed which countries to go, and the top 5 narrow to this:


Others still considered...


I've got less than 3 years to decide. I love all 10 of them.

Killer Japanese Robots Will Always Rule

Suck it Asian haters. They are cuter than you are, and have much better robots.

It wouldn't have killed us that much if we lost WW2.

Oh noes!!!!11!!!1!!!!! Crowd strikes again

Recovered from the Houston Chronicle, this article is stirring much debate between the "personal freedom or die" freeper crowd, and the "Society must take order when there is a threat" crowd. In other words, RepubliDemotards.

Republicans, there is no mandatory anything going around, when you look at this. Put your kid in private school like you have always wanted to, and it won't be a problem.

Demotards, this drug is being used on school children as guinea pigs, but I guess you have no problem with that. The little girls are going to get fucked anyways.

This whole topic should have an interesting discussion.

/Provided you stay away from the party drum beaters who have their minds made up anyways.
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