Evolution Surrenders!

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Greatest Rock Band Ever!

The Gauchos of Argentina are just kids, but are going to kick ass on everyone in the next decade. If you haven't checked them out before, now is the time to get familiar with them. If I was rich I would buy these kids their own studio. Keep your eye on the older kid with the glasses. He is a Hendrix and Bonham in the making:

Zapada y agradecimiento

Refuse-Resist by Sepultura

Vox dei Las Guerras

Ensayo de Bateria Emilio Jorge (NUEVO) de la cumbia al death

The Trooper

(Little Girl head banging steals the show)

Solo de Guitarra By Gauchos

Must see tv!
The most awesome video ever:
Tributo a Emerson Lake and Palmer By Gauchos

More to come. Watch out for these kids. If they pursue it right, they will go down as one of the greatest rock bands ever. Go Gauchos!

Saturday, January 27, 2007


Shopping for shoes in San Francisco, girlfriend..:


Great Dance Video

I found myself shaking my ass to this one so hard that I....oh, I don't remember. I was very drunk that night:

This beautiful woman on the video makes me tingly in places I never knew I had.

Nicki Rose

Some anonymous from Seattle on Majority Report pointed me to this gem. Funny as hell:


Fnord! Farewell RAW

This month saw the passing of an unreplacable legend, Robert Anton Wilson. Rest in peace Robert.

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Simon Moon

Attention Whore

Sarah Spain decided it would be a wise thing this week to auction herself off on E-Bay as a date for the Super Bowl:
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You have to admire her balls as a Bears fan, but she did show herself to be a whore in the way she approached it. Bidding reached over $2,000 before E-bay mercifully cut the listing off. So let's get this straight...for giving you $2,000...I get the chance to give you a Super Bowl ticket, and you will sit next to me through the whole thing?

Believe it or not, there were some basement dwellers who took her up on that chance.

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Since then, she has now changed her tune. She now has a ticket, and wants men to pitch her for having the priviledge of being her date to the Super Bowl. Sarah, you sure do know how to get attention. See it here.

If you are interested in going to the Super Bowl, and wish to have this gal:
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With you, send her an e-mail. I'll skip.

Friday, January 26, 2007


I got banninated from Fark for 24 hours by typing "fag". They said it was hate speech.

Fag fag fag faggity fag fag fag fag faggity fag fag fag fag faggity fag fag fag fag faggity fag fag fag fag faggity fag fag fag fag faggity fag fag fag fag faggity fag fag fag fag faggity fag fag fag fag faggity fag fag fag fag faggity fag fag fag fag faggity fag fag fag fag faggity fag fag fag fag faggity fag fag fag fag faggity fag fag fag fag faggity fag fag fag fag faggity fag fag fag fag faggity fag fag fag fag faggity fag fag fag fag faggity fag fag fag fag faggity fag fag fag fag faggity fag fag fag fag faggity fag fag fag fag faggity fag fag fag fag faggity fag fag fag fag faggity fag fag fag fag faggity fag fag fag fag faggity fag fag fag fag faggity fag fag fag fag faggity fag fag fag fag faggity fag fag fag fag faggity fag fag fag fag faggity fag fag fag fag faggity fag fag fag fag faggity fag fag fag fag faggity fag

Suck it political correctness fascistards.
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