You know what I see when I see these two men? I see two men elected by the people of this nation, and I see two men that were neutered by the sore loser opponents of theirs. Bill got in office, and no matter what he did, he was going to come under attack by the right wing hacks in this nation. Now it's Bush's turn, and the same thing is going on. If you remember the rhetoric while Clinton was in office, it was that he was going to bring along a fascist state, and blah blah blah, remember Waco! What have we seen since Bush is in office? The same crap. To you right and left wing hacks that do not have America in mind, but your own political agenda, FARK YOU!
FARK YOU and your selfish selve serving demogoguery. It's time to put it to an end. I could wish that whoever wins next gets support from both parties whenever they have a good idea, but that is wishful thinking. The Lilliputians are playing for power, and they will sink the rest of us into the mud to get it.
I see only one solution left. Get rid of the Republican and Democrat parties. It's time for America to start anew.
Once again for good measure...
Fark you Democraps!
Fark you Rethuglicans!
Thanks for turning this nation into a bunch of saprono voiced sheep turning their stupid eyes to you!
/Mrs. Robinson surrenders.
//For 14 years we've put up with this crap