You don't scare me, and never will. I am tired of your over sensitivity to your peace loving ways. For years I've been trying to understand you Islam. I've read your Quran, I've read various Hadiths, I've given you the benefit of the doubt. I've offered you an understanding ear, and all you have been giving back is hatred and bloodshed. You want the Pope to convert? I'm not even Catholic, but I would be ashamed if he ever did. I pray to God he never does. I've tried to give you understanding Islam, all I've ever seen out of you is blood. Tell me again Islam, tell me again how you have been a peacefull group?...

I was patient with you before Islam, not anymore. I hate your vile religion, and the extremist that practice it. If there are moderates there, you better show it and quick! As far as I can see you are nothing but a bunch of bloodthirsty Satanist that are pushing the rest of the world to follow your wicked religion into the downfall of man. If you want to change that point of view which a lot of the west shares, you better start taking a look within yourselves, and do it quick!
Another neat alternative is to take a look to the east, or would you cut her head off too?