Evolution Surrenders!

Friday, May 26, 2006

Oh Where Oh Where Have My Nazis Gone?

Maybe it's time to pay a visit to Cytes and his little Mengeles, and see what the little racist pigs are up to. I could use some fresh conspiracy theory ideas. I miss the visits from Prague.

Commander in Cheap and his British Stooge

Get pissed off at me all ya want, but this president of ours is a joke. Listening to him and Blair yesterday was one of the most most repulsive things I have ever listened to in my lifetime.

If it's a goddam war you've declared, then fight it like a war! This meanderin P.C. bullshit way of doing things is just getting more of our boys killed. Fight it like a war Bush, if not, maybe you should send your kids into the fray. Maybe then you'll get the picture. It's time to put up or shut up. If you can't do the right thing, then maybe it's time to put your ass up on trial, along with the others who go out of their way to make sure our boys don't succeed.

Goddam traitor.

Jewish Chupacabras Behind NSA Wiretappings

It's true. Whitehouse sources have informed me on the condition of anonymosity that the wiretappings are indeed being backed by Jewish chupacabras. When asked if the wiretappings were being done to protect Jewish interests, the chupacabras responded that they were in fact being done in their Zionist plans to eradicate the Muslim bigfoots. I will be looking more into this evil plot, and update you when more is learned. I must first look to MRR and see if Mr. Nobody has any information on the kuffar Hindu wookies that are bent on destroying the culture of the peacefull Klingons, and destined to destroy all freedom loving Ferengi everywhere.

The chupacabras are sure to be behind it all. Who needs proof?

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Kuntspeerasy Theories Are A Drag...

But I will be thinking of a few today. I just have to make sure they all end with "it's all becuase of the joooos!!!"

Isn't that how they all usually end?

Pass The Sweet Pickles...

Oh the goings on...Bush is impressing nobody, and if you know nobody, that is quite a feat in itself. But I find myself asking the all too important matters of the blogosfear...whatever happened to -b and good ole .com? I will surely miss the input of their working minds.

Meanwhile, it's time to delve in more into the fascinating world of the lizard people and, as a hobby, I'm thinking of pickerin up on the Jusche...Lord that will be strange. Conspiracy theories are all the rage today. It's time to finally do something with my life, and come up with some mis-leading bullshit of my own. Why should prisonplanet.com whore all the good stuff?

Thursday, May 11, 2006

King Bush Passes Down His Legacy (No Chorttling Please)

Yes, Bush biatch has shown his ignorance again. He has the nerve to think his brother has a chance in running this next election. The little bitch is already backing the Hildebeest, so I don't know who he thinks he's fooling. But nonetheless, it will be fun to watch the Rethuglicans and Democraps play along with the charade and pull the wool over the eyes of the willing fools who play along with this game. Take your pick in the 2 card monte, and let me laugh at your asses as you pass along the blame for the failures ya'll succeed at so well.

Demokraps and Rethuglicans....bite me!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Rest Time Is Over....

It's now time to deal with the lunacy known as the Democrat and Republican Party monopoly on our lives. I won't designate them as seperate parties. They are the same fascists working torwards the same goals in their own seperate ways. May the great Allan show their true colours to the rest of the world.

I'm back biatch.
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