This handgun ban should die very quickly. The wrench in the works is that this is in the 9th Circuit Court jurisdiction should it go there:
SAN FRANCISCO -- The National Rifle Association sued Wednesday to overturn an ordinance voters here overwhelmingly approved a day earlier that bans handgun possession and sales of firearms in the city.
58% to 42% is overwhelming? Nice spin there buddy.
A state appeals court in 1982 nullified a similar gun ban largely on grounds that the city cannot enact an ordinance that conflicts with state law, which allows for the sale and possession of handguns and ammunition.
"The electorate sent a strong message that local governments have a strong role in curbing violence in our streets," Herrera said.
He said the 1982 measure was overturned because it applied to all people within city limits, regardless of whether they lived there.
This is funny. Why is it in California, that people will vote on something, but get over-ruled by the courts so often. It happens to both sides, and it is fun to watch them cry about activist judges. They both then cry about about how the activist judges over turned the will of the people. What is funny is that neither side says that when it is happening to their opponents.
Mayor Gavin Newsom has said the measure probably won't withstand legal scrutiny, but has symbolic value.
So he knew it was illegal. If I ever do something illegal I will say it was for symbolic value. That might make me a hero!
The NRA is not alleging the ordinance violates the Second Amendment right to bear arms, but it would in federal court if it loses the state case, LaPierre said.
This could be the start of something very big. Whether it will be good for America or not remains to be seen.
Link To News Story.
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