Today, I was going to do something I thought I would never do. I attended a KKK rally. My plan was to moon those turds, but plans well laid often do not go as planned. Here's how it all went down.
Driving there, I knew it was going to be big. As I approached downtown Austin, two helicopters could be seen circling the area. I parked on 5th street near I-35, and made my way down. After a few blocks, I passed an APD bomb squad van, and that was rather unnerving. I soon saw all the television sattelites, and knew I was just about there. I arrived a few minutes after 1:00, and was blocked, along with everyone else, at the intersection of Caesar Chavez, and Colorado. I could see others were gathered on the bridge facing city hall, but were also blocked, a good 500-1000 feet away from the rally. I tried walking around, but nope, the cops had everything blocked all around. So back I went to Caesar and Colorado. During my walk around I saw a homeless man asking for quarters so he could buy a slingshot to shoot rotten eggs at the klan with. I knew he was full of shit, but gave him a dollar anyways.
The angle the police had as at did not let us get a look at what was going on in front of city hall. This got the crowd moody, but everyone maintained composure. Why weren't the police letting us confront these bastards?
I do have to say these cops were very intimidating to face. They were in full riot gear, with their riot sticks in hand, and each looked as if he were hand picked for the job. Not one runt among them. There's something about those glasses, and the way they just stand motionless and staring back at you that is very un-nerving. The black helmets had a fascist feel to them, but I know these are men just doing their job, and I'm sure there are a number among them that would be standing there beside us if they weren't on duty. Why there were people yelling nasty stuff to them is beyond me. It looked like one older woman dressed all in white was even trying to get herself arrested by constantly pressing herself against a couple of the policemen, and breaking the line. To their credit, the cops she was doing that to remained calm, and she eventually gave up.
I have to say that the Klan are a bunch of pussies. They did their best to remain hidden during their little rally, and the crowd had their best moment when some punk ass skin heads were seen. We all started yelling "Racists Go Home!", but one woman beside me decided she would rather just yell the f-bomb repeatedly in my ear. The good Lord blessed me with patience.
The kkk pussies did not hang around long. In less than an hour, a bullhorn was used to tell us that the kkk had left the premisis. At least, that what I thought I heard. There was a guy running around screaming stuff about child abuse, and how the Klan was unimportant, and how dare we ignore child abuse for this.
There were a few with their faces covered that looked like they wanted to start trouble. But they were by far a small minority among those that turned up to thumb their noses, or drop their drawers in my case, against the Klan. The news stated there were about 3,000 demonstrators that showed up for this event, and the number seems about right. It also stated there were a couple of arrests in the very area I was at, but I didn't see this occur. I must have been standing in the wrong spot. Overall, I have to say I was disappointed I didn't get to moon the kkk, and am glad I didn't have any messages written on my ass.
- Politics: Libertarian Straightshooters
- Think For Yourself
- Robert Anton Wilson
- The Militant Libertarian
- Some mucky
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- Marginal Revolution
- Stephan Kinsella
- Hammer of Truth
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- Willow's Not Babbling
- MRR Will Live On: Alice
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- Kos "Screw Em" Blog
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- Rottweiler
- The Jet Set Chick
- Ace Pilots
- My Pet Jawa
- Beth from Fark
- The Saloon by Eric from Fark
- Interesting People.
- An Old Friend. Risa Williams.
- A TFer takes very good pics.
- Tian
- Freedom Fan Hates Nazis Too
- Poke these Nazis with a stick now and then
- Blogger willing to poke the Nazis

design: OMI Ripped, by nakaithus
- Evolution Surrenders! is...
- ...Is your world growing ever bigger and funnier, or smaller and nastier? Main sources of news items found compliments of Fark, Rantburg, Samizdata, and Majority Report Radio websites. Take me home James.

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- About me. Becuase it's all about me.
- Blogger Location: Austin TX for 4 years now.
- A San Jose CA Native.
- Do you know the way to fascism?
- Vote Democrat or Republican to get there
- My political stance.
- Test: What is your political leaning?
- All In Fun
- Also former writer for one of these.
- Something Awful
- Corporate MOFO
- Toxic Universe
- Hope Is Emo
- JibJab
- I-Mockery
- Liquid Generation
- Ask The Imam
- The Smoking Gun
Previous Posts
- Head Explosion
- Moon The KKK!
- Cops Must Evict Themselves
- Peacemaker Uses Car To Break Up Fight
- Too Little Too Late?
- Stupid Qoute of The Day
- Even Kings Have Bouts of Stupidity
- Creative Thinking Still Abounds
- This Years Halloween "Asshole Award" Winner
- I'd Kick Stavros Ass For Free
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