The moron in chief is really out doing himself, and somehow has managed to keep some of his conservative base. I have to How's this for fiscal conservatism?:
( - President Bush and the current administration have borrowed more money from foreign governments and banks than the previous 42 presidents combined, a group of conservative to moderate Democrats said Friday.
Before you jump all over the shiat that this is Democrats saying this, know there are a lot of conservative Republicans saying the same.
Blue Dog Coalition, which describes itself as a group "focused on fiscal responsibility," called the administration's borrowing practices "astounding."
According to the Treasury Department, from 1776-2000, the first 224 years of U.S. history, 42 U.S. presidents borrowed a combined $1.01 trillion from foreign governments and financial institutions, but in the past four years alone, the Bush administration borrowed $1.05 trillion.
True, that Bush had 9/11 and the natural disasters that have devastated us over the last few years, but you know where the blame on this is ultimately going to go.
"The seriousness of this rapid and increasing financial vulnerability of our country can hardly be overstated," said Rep. John Tanner (D-Tenn.), a leader of the Blue Dog Coalition and member of the House Ways and Means Committee.
"The financial mismanagement of our country by the Bush Administration should be of concern to all Americans, regardless of political persuasion," said Tanner in a press release.
And he is correct on this. Let's start with the basics. Are our borders properly defended in these costs?
Earlier this year, the Blue Dog Coalition unveiled a 12-step plan to "cure" the nation's "addiction to deficit spending." It included requiring all federal agencies to pass clean audits, a balanced budget, and the establishment of a rainy day fund for use in emergencies specifically a natural disaster.
Sounds good, but this being the Democrats, how much will we see our taxes increased by?
"No American political leadership has ever willfully and deliberately mortgaged our country to foreign interests in the manner we have witnessed over the past four years," said Tanner. "If this recklessness is not stopped, I truly believe our economic freedom as American citizens is in great jeopardy."
We are headed to economic ruin if this administration doesn't turn things around in a hurry. The combined tax cuts and increased spending mark this president as anything but a fiscal conservative. Iraq is tolling on a lot of these costs. But that's not all. This president loves social programs. What we are seeing here is the nightmare experiment of trying to blend two different agendas, and this guy is going about it the wrong way. Cut taxes, increase spending? This sounds like the perfect formula for disaster. Stick with smaller government Bush if you are going to cut taxes. If you want to do social experiments and get us into un-necessary things like Iraq, raise taxes to pay for them. Is that hard to ask for? You could put some of that money aside for something that may be a real threat, like Iran.
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