Here's what happens when you outlaw guns, and you run a socialist government. I started watching this incident last week, and the situation is not improving:
PARIS - France will impose curfews under a state-of-emergency law and call up police reservists to stop rioting that has spread out of Paris' suburbs and into nearly 300 cities and towns across the country, the prime minister said Monday, calling a return to order "our No. 1 responsibility."
Curfews? Yeah, that'll get the rioters to stop. We know they wouldn't want to be breaking any curfew laws.
The tough new measures came as France's worst civil unrest in decades entered a 12th night, with rioters in the southern city of Toulouse setting fire to a bus after sundown and pelting police with gasoline bombs and rocks. Outside the capital in Sevran, a junior high school was set ablaze, while in another Paris suburb, Vitry-sur-Seine, youths threw gasoline bombs at a hospital, police said. No one was injured. Earlier, a 61-year-old retired auto worker died of wounds from an attack last week, the first death in the violence.
Burning down the schools to build madrassas? These rioters have to be completely stupid if they are now trying to burn down hospitals. If things get serious enough for the French to start busting some heads, you can bet these ass clowns will be the first to complain there weren't enough medical facilities to take care of them. This auto-worker won't be the only one killed by the time this is done and over with.
Asked on TF1 television whether the army should be brought in, Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin said, "We are not at that point."
The French are never at that point. Where has this guy been?
But "at each step, we will take the necessary measures to re-establish order very quickly throughout France," he said. "That is our prime duty: ensuring everyone's protection."
Especially the rioters.
The recourse to curfews followed the worst overnight violence so far, and foreign governments warned their citizens to be careful in France. Apparent copycat attacks took place outside France, with five cars torched outside the main train station in Brussels, Belgium. German police were investigating the burning of five cars in Berlin. The violence started Oct. 27 among youths in a northeastern Paris suburb angry over the accidental deaths of two teenagers but has grown into a nationwide insurrection.
Rest of the story here.
The intifada continues. Watch as the left and right spin this to their own end. One will say it is becuase of capitolism, and how they are fighting against economic hardship. The other will say it is becuase the muslims will not integrate. That these rioters are asking for the right to make their own laws, and have their own government is very telling, as is the high unemployment rate among them. So get ready to see people blame it on their pussy liberal government and George Bush.
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