Pat Robertson took the T.O., but this woman would've taken it any other day:
ELIZABETH, Pa. -- Angry parents told a school board it should fire an elementary school principal who publicly shamed an 8-year-old girl falsely accused of stealing $5 from another student.
William Penn Elementary School Principal Marlene Whitby paraded the girl from class to class last month, calling her a liar and thief. Soon after, the student who made the theft accusation recanted her story.
Whitby apologized privately to Katie White after the family complained to school administrators, but not publicly, said Ryan White, the girl's father.
Elizabeth Forward School Board members told angry parents at a meeting Wednesday they are "appropriately" handling the issue.
Translation: They are forming a commitee on how to form the proper commitee.
The president of the board, Lowell Meek, said he understood White's anger.
"If you understood my anger, (Whitby) would be gone," White said.
More here.
This woman needs to be paraded all over television, and be exposed for the jack ass she is. You can see her butt-ugly face here.
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