The smirking leprechaun has once again managed to put his head up his ass with a stupid remark. The sad thing is I agree with him on principal in this matter, but he just made the whole point moot with his stupid way of going about it.
(CBS 5) Conservative Broadcaster Bill O'Reilly is making no apologies for his inflammatory comments about San Francisco.
"I'm from New York," O'Reilly said on the radio Friday. "There are dozens of people in my neighborhood, on Long Island, who are dead because of 9/11, and you people are telling me you're not going to allow military recruiting out there. Hey, it's serious, and I think you guys need a wake-up call."
Okay, New York. Lived upstate for a while there too. Didn't lose anyone, but did use to visit the towers often. I also lived on Columbia Turnpike just down the street from the Pentagon, and used to catch the subway there. I know this is serious. So whats up Bill?
O'Reilly is upset about the city's proposition discouraging public schools from allowing military recruiters on campus. On his national radio show Tuesday, he said San Francisco should not get a nickel of federal funds.
Agree with you there. I saw the loophole they were using to try to get around what they are doing, and still collect money from the federal government. It is also a travesty against the first amendment, so go on...
"And if al Qaeda comes in here and blows you up, we're not going to do anything about it," he said. "We're going to say, look every other place in America is off limits to you, except San Francisco. You want to blow up the Coit Tower, go ahead."
And that stupid remark just prooved your
Mayor Gavin Newsom says the proposition does not mean that people in San Francisco are Anti-military. He says that people just have concerns about what he calls predatory recruiting.
Predatory recruiting? I still like to give people the benefit of the doubt if they want to enlist or not. They don't need others who think themselves too brilliant for everyone to say "We decided that, NO. You're not smart enough to make that decision. Therefore you shouldn't hear that message. We know what is best for you."
Bill. You are the epitome of sophomoric rabble rousing. Instead of saying, "Well you don't see my point, therefore I hope you get blown up!" Try using your brain sometime. Of course, we know how you never lose at Parcheesi.
The funding isn't the main issue here, Bill. It's the 1st Amendment you should first be worried about. Allowing one group to speak, while not allowing another is what should be scaring you Bill. Worry about funding second, and get the loofah out of your ass with your stupid vengeance comments, or shut the fuck up.
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