Are they going to slap pink triangles on these guys too? Fred Phelps unavailable for comment:
Dubai - Men arrested at what a United Arab Emirates official said appeared to be a gay wedding are to be given hormone therapy, officials said on Tuesday. The United state department condemned the forced medical treatment of gay couples in the Muslim Gulf Arab state and called on the UAE to comply with international legal standards.
Except for Jerry Falwell, who is requesting the recipe for this magical potion that cures "teh ghey".
Police raided a hotel earlier this month where 26 homosexuals of Asian, Arab and UAE origin were at a party. At least 12 were dressed in women's clothes and wearing makeup at what an official said appeared to be a wedding celebration.
It looks like one couple couldn't afford a wedding burqa. Did the police inspect each of their "packages" to make sure this was correct?
Colonel Najm al-Sayar said the foreigners were likely to be deported while the locals, who are being held in the capital Abu Dhabi, would undergo hormonal therapy - most likely induced testosterone. "They will be given psychological, medical and sociological treatment. Some of them will be given male hormones because some actually took female hormones," Sayar said.
"Allahu Ackbar! Achmed has got the nice rack!" What Sayar is saying is they need to ditch the boobies and grow beards. That'll take "teh ghey" out of them.
"This kind of behaviour is immoral in our society and so we must address the issue." Homosexuality is forbidden by law in most Arab states.
Beating your biatches with a stick still gets the thumbs up though.
In Washington, state department spokesperson Sean McCormack said: "The United States condemns the arrest of a dozen same-sex couples in the United Arab Emirates and a statement by the interior ministry spokesperson that they will be subjected to government-ordered hormone and psychological treatment. "The arrest of these individuals is part of a string of recent group arrests of homosexuals in the UAE. We call on the government of the United Arab Emirates to immediately stop any ordered hormone and psychological treatment and to comply with the standards of international law." Link.
Oh, that's going to improve our relationship with the region for sure. There are reasons why that area of the world hates us. What they are doing is stupid, but you can't condemn them for doing what they consider part of their culture, and part of that is intolerance of homosexuality. It's much like the culture at Pat Robertsons 700 Club.
I myself could care less what consenting adults do in their bedroom, as long as no one is getting hurt and the children are kept out of it. The way to get places like the UAE to change their view on the subject is to show them the benefits of turning a blind eye to the matter. Show them that for every homosexual couple out there, that could mean 2 hot chicas are now free for the rest of the guys in this sexually repressed region. Gay men also do not reproduce. This could mean more resources for the children of the straight couples. They also tend to have more free money available. This is good for the local merchants. Of course, lesbianism is a global tragedy as fas as I am concerned, but let the gay guys go. Besides, it would be interesting to see what kind of parade they would put on in Dubai.
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