Eric Bauman is still a thief. Here's a little tune about him that is based on a Tre Parker and Matt Stone tune:
Well, Eric Bauman is a bitch,
He's a big fat bitch,
He's the biggest bitch in the whole wide bitch,
He's a stupid bitch,
if there ever was a bitch,
He's a bitch to all the boys and girls.
on Monday he's a bitch,
on Tuesday he's a bitch,
on Wednesday through Saturday, he's a bitch,
then on Sunday, just to be different,
he's a super kingkong kameha-meha biatch!
Have you ever met Eric Bauman,
he's the biggest bitch in the whole wide bitch,
he's a mean old bitch,
and he has stupid hair, he's a bitch,
bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch
bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch,
bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch,
he's a stupid bitch,
Eric Bauman is a bitch and hes such a dirty bitch.
Talk to kids around the world it might go a little bit somethin like this.
(translations in japanese, french, deutsch and african)
Have you ever met Eric Bauman,
he's the biggest bitch in the whole wide bitch,
he's a mean old bitch,
and he has stupid hair, he's a bitch,
bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch
bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch,
bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch,
he's a stupid bitch,
Eric Buaman's a bitch and hes such a dirty bitch.
I Really mean it, Eric Bauman
hes a big fat farking bitch
a big fat farking bitch, Eric Bauman yeaaaaaaaahhhh!
- Politics: Libertarian Straightshooters
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- Interesting People.
- An Old Friend. Risa Williams.
- A TFer takes very good pics.
- Tian
- Freedom Fan Hates Nazis Too
- Poke these Nazis with a stick now and then
- Blogger willing to poke the Nazis

design: OMI Ripped, by nakaithus
- Evolution Surrenders! is...
- ...Is your world growing ever bigger and funnier, or smaller and nastier? Main sources of news items found compliments of Fark, Rantburg, Samizdata, and Majority Report Radio websites. Take me home James.

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- About me. Becuase it's all about me.
- Blogger Location: Austin TX for 4 years now.
- A San Jose CA Native.
- Do you know the way to fascism?
- Vote Democrat or Republican to get there
- My political stance.
- Test: What is your political leaning?
- All In Fun
- Also former writer for one of these.
- Something Awful
- Corporate MOFO
- Toxic Universe
- Hope Is Emo
- JibJab
- I-Mockery
- Liquid Generation
- Ask The Imam
- The Smoking Gun
Previous Posts
- Whacko Jacko Needs A Smacko
- Terrell Owens Pwn3d Again
- Remember The Troops On Thanksgiving
- Ooops. Our Bad.
- Pat Robertson Does Black Sabbath
- Don't Fear The Farmer's Market
- 3rd Time Is A Charm
- Would Be Mohamed Atta More Like Jihad Johnny
- Pilgramages Begin To The Holy Land of Texas
- Update: Ice Machine Urinator Says He's The Victim....
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